每日视频新闻:世界上最好的工作 4万人抢夺6个职位
日期:2013-04-12 19:03






新增4例禽流感病例 总数达28例夺8命

习近平博鳌演讲 勿为一己之私把世界搞乱

H7N9禽流感会像非典一样传播吗 如何预防?






Bird flu outbreak hits poultry businesses




The discovery of bird flu in Shanghai has left Chinese consumers worried about food safety. Many are turning away from poultry after the outbreak of the H7N9 strain of bird flu. At least nine people have died and thousands of chickens have been culled. At this Shanghai market, business has slowed. Restrictions to stop the virus spreading apply to live chickens, but other traders are taking a hit as well. Egg seller Meng Wenfang says purchases at her stall have dropped. And sales at this frozen chicken stand have slumped by around 90 percent. Consumers say they're not prepared to take the risk.60-YEAR-OLD LOCAL RESIDENT ZHU PEIJI SAYING: "The government informed us so we know about it. They never told us to stop eating it, but we try to avoid it as much as possible." It's not just market sales that have been hit by bird flu fears. A sign at this KFC tells consumers that international health experts say cooked chicken is safe. The restaurant's parent company says the latest outbreak could have a significant impact on sales.





40,000 apply for the world's best jobs


世界上最好的工作 4万人抢夺6个职位



The deadline has officially passed to apply for Australia's six "Best Jobs in the World", which includes such titles as "Chief Funster" and "Taste Master." More than 40,000 people from nearly 200 countries have applied for the six-month positions that come with a 100,000 dollar (Australian dollar) salary. Interested applicants were asked to create a 30-second video explaining their qualifications and most were of high quality says Karen Halbert of Tourism Australia. SOUNDBITE: Tourism Australia General Manager of Corporate Affairs Karen Halbert, saying (English) "They are all mad, we're really excited it's going to be a really tight contest but an amazing outcome when we pick the final six." First officials have to choose 18 finalists among the 40,000 entries who will be flown to Australia for interviews and final selection. Other vacant dream job positions are Outback Adventurer, Wildlife Caretaker, Lifestyle Photographer and Park Ranger. The six winners will be announced on June 21.





Michelle Obama wades into gun debate





As a general rule, First Ladies focus on very neutral issues --- supporting military families and fighting childhood obesity --- but on Wednesday Michelle Obama waded into the gun control debate , delivering a speech in her hometown of Chicago. She recounted her meeting with the family of Hadiyah Pendleton--- a 15-year-old killed a week after she performed at the presidential inauguration.


一般而言,第一夫人关注的都是中立性的问题,例如支持军人家属、抵抗儿童肥胖——但周三米歇尔·奥巴马在她的家乡芝加哥发表了演讲,介入了枪支管制的辩论Y3esR)K^hzKs94Y。她讲述了她与Hadiyah Pendleton家人的会面2idXcz(9bqV[。15岁的Hadiyah Pendleton是在她参加总统就职典礼一个星期后遇难的gGU)s]|B]0mY#]p(



U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama saying: "Hadiyah's mother did everything she could for her daughter. She enrolled her in everything, cheerleading, majorettes, the praise and dance ministry, anything to keep her off the streets and keep her busy. Hadiyah Pendleton was me and I was her. But I got to go grow up and go to Princeton, and Harvard Law school and to have a career and a family and the most blessed life I could imagine. Hadiyah? Oh we know that story." While her remarks were mostly personal, they won't go unnoticed on Capitol where a debate is raging about gun control.


美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马说:“Hadiyah的母亲尽其所能地给予她女儿mg6wzok,UhhCE7#sS^。她给女儿报名了啦啦队、鼓手队长、赞美和舞蹈部,这一切让她远离街道,让她忙碌起来DUKBVp^*#iI%X。Hadiyah Pendleton就像我,我和她一样+EuF#w(cK6~r。但我还可以成长,去普林斯顿,去哈佛大学法学院,也可以有自己的事业、家庭以及我可以想象的最幸福的生活XhP@Pb!(_Z,gMDPc。但Hadiyah呢? 哦,我们都知道CFic&J4z@onL#W8z3]k。”虽然米歇尔的话大部分带有个人色彩,但他们不会忽视国会正就枪支控制进行的激烈争议4i~h5w+V|4Ig,iSJHO0s



U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama saying: "My husband is fighting as hard as he can and talking to as many people as he can to pass commonsense reform to protect our children from gun violence. And these reforms deserve a vote in congress." The First Lady spent the rest of the afternoon meeting with staff at a local high school where where more than two dozen students have been victims of gun violence --- almost a third of them fatally.





CCTV新闻:新增5例流感病例 总数至38夺10命


5 new H7N9 cases bring total to 38


新增5例流感病例 总数至38夺10命



Five new cases of H7N9 have been confirmed in eastern China. Three are in Shanghai and two in Jiangsu province.



It brings the total number of bird flu infections in China to 38, including 10 deaths.



According to a statement issued by the provincial health department, the two newly infected people in Jiangsu are a chef in the city of Yangzhou and a teacher in the city of Suzhou. Both were diagnosed as being infected with the bird flu strain on Thursday at noon, and both are said to be in a critical condition.



52 people who’ve had close contact with the two men have so far shown no abnormal symptoms.





Remarks by the President Announcing the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget





THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Please, please have a seat. Well, as President, my top priority is to do everything I can to reignite what I consider to be the true engine of the American economy: a rising, thriving middle class. That’s what I think about every day. That’s the driving force behind every decision that I make.



And over the past three years, our businesses have created nearly 6.5 million new jobs. But we know we can help them create more. Corporate profits are at an all-time high. But we have to get wages and incomes rising, as well. Our deficits are falling at the fastest pace in years. But we can do more to bring them down in a balanced and responsible way.



The point is, our economy is poised for progress -- as long as Washington doesn’t get in the way. Frankly, the American people deserve better than what we’ve been seeing: a shortsighted, crisis-driven decision-making, like the reckless, across-the-board spending cuts that are already hurting a lot of communities out there -- cuts that economists predict will cost us hundreds of thousands of jobs during the course of this year.



If we want to keep rebuilding our economy on a stronger, more stable foundation, then we’ve got to get smarter about our priorities as a nation. And that’s what the budget I’m sending to Congress today represents -- a fiscally responsible blueprint for middle-class jobs and growth.



For years, the debate in this town has raged between reducing our deficits at all costs, and making the investments necessary to grow our economy. And this budget answers that argument, because we can do both. We can grow our economy and shrink our deficits. In fact, as we saw in the 1990s, nothing shrinks deficits faster than a growing economy. That’s been my goal since I took office. And that should be our goal going forward.



At a time when too many Americans are still looking for work, my budget begins by making targeted investments in areas that will create jobs right now, and prime our economy to keep generating good jobs down the road. As I said in my State of the Union address, we should ask ourselves three questions every day: How do we make America a magnet for new jobs? How do we give our workers the skills they need to do those jobs? And how do we make sure that hard work leads to a decent living?



To make America a magnet for good jobs, this budget invests in new manufacturing hubs to help turn regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high-tech jobs. We’ll spark new American innovation and industry with cutting-edge research like the initiative I announced to map the human brain and cure disease. We’ll continue our march towards energy independence and address the threat of climate change. And our Rebuild America Partnership will attract private investment to put construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads, our bridges and our schools, in turn attracting even more new business to communities across the country.



To help workers earn the skills they need to fill those jobs, we’ll work with states to make high-quality preschool available to every child in America. And we’re going to pay for it by raising taxes on tobacco products that harm our young people. It’s the right thing to do. (Applause.)



We’ll reform our high schools and job training programs to equip more Americans with the skills they need to compete in the 21st century economy. And we’ll help more middle-class families afford the rising cost of college.



To make sure hard work is rewarded, we’ll build new ladders of opportunity into the middle class for anybody who is willing to work hard to climb them. So we’ll partner with 20 of our communities hit hardest by the recession to help them improve housing, and education, and business investment. And we should make the minimum wage a wage you can live on -- because no one who works full-time should have to raise his or her family in poverty. (Applause.)



My budget also replaces the foolish across-the-board spending cuts that are already hurting our economy. And I have to point out that many of the same members of Congress who supported deep cuts are now the ones complaining about them the loudest as they hit their own communities. Of course, the people I feel for are the people who are directly feeling the pain of these cuts -- the people who can least afford it. They’re hurting military communities that have already sacrificed enough. They’re hurting middle-class families. There are children who have had to enter a lottery to determine which of them get to stay in their Head Start program with their friends. There are seniors who depend on programs like Meals on Wheels so they can live independently, but who are seeing their services cut.



That’s what this so-called sequester means. Some people may not have been impacted, but there are a lot of folks who are being increasingly impacted all across this country. And that's why my budget replaces these cuts with smarter ones, making long-term reforms, eliminating actual waste and programs we don’t need anymore.



So building new roads and bridges, educating our children from the youngest age, helping more families afford college, making sure that hard work pays. These are things that should not be partisan. They should not be controversial. We need to make them happen. My budget makes these investments to grow our economy and create jobs, and it does so without adding a dime to our deficits.



Now, on the topic of deficits, despite all the noise in Washington, here’s a clear and unassailable fact: our deficits are already falling. Over the past two years, I’ve signed legislation that will reduce our deficits by more than $2.5 trillion -- more than two-thirds of it through spending cuts and the rest through asking the wealthiest Americans to begin paying their fair share.



That doesn’t mean we don't have more work to do. But here’s how we finish the job. My budget will reduce our deficits by nearly another $2 trillion, so that all told we will have surpassed the goal of $4 trillion in deficit reduction that independent economists believe we need to stabilize our finances. But it does so in a balanced and responsible way, a way that most Americans prefer.



Both parties, for example, agree that the rising cost of caring for an aging generation is the single biggest driver of our long-term deficits. And the truth is, for those like me who deeply believe in our social insurance programs, think it's one of the core things that our government needs to do, if we want to keep Medicare working as well as it has, if we want to preserve the ironclad guarantee that Medicare represents, then we’re going to have to make some changes. But they don't have to be drastic ones. And instead of making drastic ones later, what we should be doing is making some manageable ones now.



The reforms I’m proposing will strengthen Medicare for future generations without undermining that ironclad guarantee that Medicare represents. We’ll reduce our government’s Medicare bills by finding new ways to reduce the cost of health care -- not by shifting the costs to seniors or the poor or families with disabilities. They are reforms that keep the promise we’ve made to our seniors: basic security that is rock-solid and dependable, and there for you when you need it. That's what my budget represents.



My budget does also contain the compromise I offered Speaker Boehner at the end of last year, including reforms championed by Republican leaders in Congress. And I don’t believe that all these ideas are optimal, but I’m willing to accept them as part of a compromise -- if, and only if, they contain protections for the most vulnerable Americans.



But if we're serious about deficit reduction, then these reforms have to go hand-in-hand with reforming our tax code to make it more simple and more fair, so that the wealthiest individuals and biggest corporations cannot keep taking advantage of loopholes and deductions that most Americans don’t get. That's the bottom line.



If you're serious about deficit reduction, then there's no excuse to keep these loopholes open. They don't serve an economic purpose. They don't grow our economy. They don't put people back to work. All they do is to allow folks who are already well-off and well-connected game the system. If anyone thinks I’ll finish the job of deficit reduction on the backs of middle-class families or through spending cuts alone that actually hurt our economy short-term, they should think again.



When it comes to deficit reduction, I’ve already met Republicans more than halfway. So in the coming days and weeks, I hope that Republicans will come forward and demonstrate that they’re really as serious about the deficits and debt as they claim to be.


So growing our economy, creating jobs, shrinking our deficits. Keeping our promise to the generation that made us great, but also investing in the next generation -- the next generation that will make us even greater. These are not conflicting goals. We can do them in concert. That’s what my budget does. That’s why I’m so grateful for the great work that Jeff Zients and his team have done in shaping this budget. The numbers work. There’s not a lot of smoke and mirrors in here.



And if we can come together, have a serious, reasoned debate -- not driven by politics -- and come together around common sense and compromise, then I’m confident we will move this country forward and leave behind something better for our children. That’s our task.



Thank you, God bless you. God bless the United States of America. (Applause.)





  • partisanadj. 效忠的,献身的,盲目推崇的,党派性的 n. 党
  • stableadj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的 n. 马厩,马棚,一批
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • demonstratevt. 示范,演示,证明 vi. 示威
  • coren. 果心,核心,要点 vt. 挖去果核
  • lotteryn. 彩票
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • provincialn. 乡下人,地方人民 adj. 省的,地方的,偏狭的
  • confidentadj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的 adj. 易
  • constructionn. 建设,建造,结构,构造,建筑物