日期:2012-08-09 00:04









1【Chinese hurdler falls】刘翔第一栏意外摔倒告别伦敦奥运


TEXT:This Olympics was supposed to go so differently for Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang. Xing Li, visitor from Jiang Su, China saying: "I think everybody feels sorry about him." During the 110 meter heat, he failed to clear his first hurdle. His crash and images of him limping off the track were eerily reminiscent to the Beijing Olympics.Xuan Zhang, visitor From Heilong Jiang, China saying: " I saw Liu fall over on the ground. I think he needs more rest or something. I think he will come better and the next Games or Olympic Games but I think he has done his best." Many had hoped Liu, who was forced to withdraw from the last games because of an injury, would make a comeback at this games. Xing Li, visitor from China saying: "The opportunity for London 2012 is a very great opportunity and Liu Xiang is 29 years-old." Liu became a national hero after winning a Gold Medal in Athens. In China, news of a second Olympic disappointment reportedly overwhelmed several blogging sites and generated over 2 million posts.


2【Reactions to bottle throwing incident】塑料瓶投掷事件的回应


TEXT:Amateur video shows the moment a man hurls a plastic bottle onto the track as runners prepared for the men's Olympic 100 metres final. He was confronted by Dutch judo bronze medallist, Edith Bosch, who was sitting nearby. EDITH BOSCH, DUTCH JUDO BRONZE MEDALLIST, WHO CONFRONTED MAN WHO THREW BOTTLE, SAYING: "Then at the moment the shot was given, the guy threw the bottle into the track and I was like flabbergasted and angry and the thing I did, I pushed him away hard and I said 'Dude, are you crazy?'" The bottle ended up behind the runners and the show-stopping race went off in style. London 2012 chief Sebastian Coe played down the incident. SEBASTIAN COE, CHAIRMAN OF LOCOG, SAYING: "It was actually poetic justice that they did actually happen to be sitting next to a judo player" Thirty-four year-old Ashley Gill-Webb's been charged in connection with the incident. He's denied the offence at an initial court hearing which he left refusing to speak to waiting media.


3【NASA releases more photos from Mars】美国宇航局发布更多火星图像


TEXT:At a news conference in Pasadena, California, NASA scientists released more images from Mars. The rover Curiosity decended through pink Martian skies on August 5, and landed in an ancient crater. Moments later, it sent back the first images. MIKE WATKINS, MISSION MANAGER, SAYING: "I really love these images because you know, later we are going to get magnificent color panoramas and 3d images and magnificent things on Mars. But these first images somehow are always the best ones to me. Because when you land on Mars its new every time." NASA mission manager explained what Curiosity will be doing. JENNIFER TROSPER, NASA MISSION MANAGER, SAYING: "When the rover wakes up, we are going to do two critical things today. We are going to check out the high gain antennae and I will talk to you a little bit, and we are also going to do some instrument health checks. Now, the reason we want to check out the high gain antennae is because we want to make sure we have as many communication links as possible." NASA said the two-year mission will seek evidence the Red Planet once hosted ingredients for life. The $2.5 billion Curiosity project is NASA's first astrobiology mission since the 1970s-era Viking probes.


4【Massive flooding hits Philippines】巨大洪水袭击菲律宾


TEXT:Rescue workers in Manila are working round-the-clock to save thousands stranded in their homes by massive flooding. Torrential rains in the Philippines have left the capital and northern provinces underwater and killed more than 50 people so far. The influx of water has also forced hundreds of thousands to flee to higher ground and evacuation centers. But there are still many who did not make it out on time, leaving them clinging to rooftops and second levels. PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE RESCUER ERIC BARAN SAYING: "As of now, it's difficult to rescue the trapped residents, as we are battling strong currents with our life crafts." Flooding has brought these communities to a standstill as the stock market, government offices and schools closed up, shop and basic services remained intermittent. With more wet weather in the forecast, some fear the flooding could rival typhoon rains in 2009 that killed hundreds and cost the country millions in damages.
参考译文:巨大洪水袭击马尼拉造成数千人被困家中,救援人员连续24小时工作展开营救(9Be.sk]Li(M).aM7。菲律宾暴雨已经导致首都及南部一些省份遭洪水淹袭,目前为止已造成50多人死亡Il6lTsz*gZv_,WqBL+J4。大量涌入的洪水使得成千上万的人逃到较高的地带以及疏散中心R|07EesGD3!~DZ_pI^。但仍有许多人未能及时疏散呆在屋顶或二楼t4*X4yB[s0y~m*kQpJ。菲律宾国家警方救援人员Eric Baran说:“现在很难营救被困群众,因为我们的救生船要面对很急的水流V9ijCk,vn4UX。”洪水已造成股票市场、政府部门以及学校关闭,商店和基本服务部门断断续续营业ei4nd-6cUs。天气预报称未来将有更多潮湿天气,一些人担心这可能会与2009年造成数百人死亡,数百万损失的台风雨一样严重0lIH@@wC2h2




【France's New Passion: All Things Chinese】



TEXT:Teacher Meifen Chen swears it is easy to learn Mandarin, the official language of the Chinese mainland. Maybe she is right, though it is daunting to watch her jot down the characters on a flip chart.

One of her students is a journalist. Another is just curious about China. The third, business-owner Julie Antonello, travels frequently to China. She said she is studying Mandarin to make sure she strikes good deals.


"But otherwise I just want to understand the culture. Because I go there really often," said Antonello. "Because I want to understand... to try to help myself, to take a taxi or coffee."


The French are not just doing business in China. Chinese business is coming to France. Today, about half-a-million Chinese visit France every year. Tour operators predict that number may reach two million or more by 2020.


With incomes rising in China, middle-class Chinese can now afford to go abroad. English teacher Chester [his Western name] poses for pictures near the Louvre museum with a group of colleagues. He is enjoying Paris ... in a language he understands.


"We see some signs in Chinese everywhere. In shops, in restaurants. We went to some palaces and we saw Chinese everywhere, I'm afraid."


Chinese are not only flocking to cultural attractions, but also to French clothing and perfume stores. Even those on a budget, like university student Wang Yi.


"I am going to the Champs Elysee to have a look if there is anything I might be interested in. The makeup, things for women," said Wang.


The Chinese are France's biggest foreign shoppers, accounting for one quarter of all duty-free business, according to shopping group Global Blue. Some major stores are responding by hiring Chinese-speaking staff. And last year, France's Le Figaro media group launched a luxury magazine targeting Chinese shoppers.


Interest in the Chinese language also is growing. Roughly 30,000 French school students now study Mandarin, making it more popular than Russian and Portuguese. Some French business schools make learning Mandarin mandatory.


Chinese also are snapping up French vineyards and expensive wines. At specialty wine store De Vinis Illustribus in Paris' Latin Quarter, owner Dominique Michelin showed off some of his rarest bottles. One young Chinese client recently bought one - priced at more than $10,000.


Michelin said that many Chinese buy expensive wines to give as presents, especially during the Chinese New Year. He said they buy the big French wines because they've heard they are luxury items.


Michelin hasn't learned Mandarin - he uses interpreters. But, he has learned something about Chinese customs.


He said Chinese will stay away from wine bottles dated 1968, because they believe that combination of numbers brings bad luck. But they will buy bottles from 1958… or 1978.


Other French want to delve more deeply into the Chinese culture by learning Mandarin. Roughly 30,000 French school students now study the language, making it more popular than Russian and Portuguese. Some French business schools make Mandarin classes mandatory.


Chen said the interest is immense because China is now a leading economic power. The French business and tourism industries realize learning Mandarin is vital. She said speaking the language also helps Westerners seal friendships more easily with Chinese.


Chen said her classes are not all hard work. She said every one of her students becomes passionate about the Chinese language, without exception.


【When Animals Make People Sick】





TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.


Researchers estimate that more than two billion people a year get diseases spread by animals. More than two million of them die.


Delia Grace is a veterinary epidemiologist -- an expert in the spread of diseases involving animals. She is also a food safety expert. She works at the International Livestock Research Institute in Nairobi, Kenya. She explains that diseases transmitted between animals and people are called zoonoses.
兽医流行病学家Delia Grace是一名研究动物传播疾病的专家,她还是食品安全专家,就职于肯尼亚内罗毕的国际家畜研究所5,1SWu&cB7qJ。她解释了人畜共患病,这是一种在动物与人之间传播的疾病29wqqchQa1[Xmz


DELIA GRACE: "A majority of human diseases are actually zoonotic. More than sixty percent of human diseases are transmitted from other vertebrate animals. Some of these diseases are pretty common. Some of the food-borne diseases and also diseases such as tuberculosis, leptospirosis are not uncommon. Others are quite rare."
DELIA GRACE: “大多数人类疾病实际上就是人畜共患病,超过60%的人类疾病是通过其他脊椎动物传播的rk7rsuR!(L7J#Yn@K[b。其中一些疾病很常见,一些食物传染疾病及诸如肺结核和细螺旋体病不常见,还有一些很罕见Uj^wcIT!jGyWM!*iE。”


Delia Grace says there are many different infection pathways for a person. Probably the most common one is for people to get sick from food. Other transmission pathways include direct contact with animals. And some diseases can be transmitted through water or through the air.
Delia Grace说,对于一个人来说,可以有多种感染途径dPW^QOlZ44rHK。可能最常见的就是病从口入,其他传播途径包括与动物直接接触,一些疾病还能通过水或空气传播K]zkdZ8h&pkJgaE


DELIA GRACE: "Diseases like avian influenza or mad cow disease have actually killed very few people. But they are of interest because some of them have the potential to kill a lot of people -- diseases like the Spanish flu after the First World War or HIV/AIDS, both of which were originally zoonoses."
DELIA GRACE: “死于诸如禽流感和疯牛病之类疾病的人确实很少,但值得关注是因为它们有害死很多人的潜能,诸如一战后的西班牙流感和艾滋病之类的疾病最初都是人畜共患病L^!%@*Lx&w5io。”


Delia Grace is the lead author of a new report called "Mapping of Poverty and Likely Zoonoses Hotspots." She points out that poverty and disease are closely linked, so preventing the transmission of animal diseases could help reduce poverty.
Delia Grace是最新一份名为“贫穷地图和可能的人畜共患病热点”的报告的主要执笔,她指出,贫困和疾病密切相关,所以预防动物疾病的传播可以减少贫困^Wa7]mHDjx0eLVHB


The report, for Britain's Department for International Development, lists places where the diseases are most common. The report lists places where a disease has existed for a long time, a so-called endemic zoonosis, as well as places with new threats.


DELIA GRACE: "So in terms of the hotspots of the zoonosis which are there all the time -- not the new zoonosis, but what we call the endemic zoonosis -- we identified three countries which bear the greatest burden of these diseases. And those are India, Ethiopia and Nigeria. But in terms of the new diseases -- the diseases which haven't been there, but are emerging -- the hotspots are very different. They appear to be western United States and western Europe."
DELIA GRACE: “因此,就一直有人畜共患病的热点地区来说,我不是指新的人畜共患病,而是所谓的流行性人畜共患病,我们识别出遭受这类疾病负担最重的国家WXG5[@gBiM+Z3Vk。这些国家包括印度、埃塞俄比亚和尼日利亚u]pt18lO+oD-。但就那些尚未出现但会出现的新疾病而言,热点地区很不一样了Q!0M]StyY=t,。这些地区应该是美国西部和西欧W#(T&E^iu&t。”


Delia Grace says things could get worse in the coming years as meat production increases to feed a growing world population. High production farms often raise animals close together. Crowding can allow diseases to spread quickly. Another concern is the use of antibiotics in food animals, not only to prevent and treat diseases but to increase growth.
Delia Grace说,未来几年间,为了养活增长的人口而进行的大规模肉类生产,情况会因此恶化T0bVXb1VD!X*!)8。高产的农场通常会集中饲养动物,拥挤的环境会使疾病快速蔓延KcNu4NkCr^。另一个担心是饲养动物所用的抗生素,用抗生素不仅是为了预防和治疗疾病,还是为了增产tz;OP9WW3c*eQa4W4W


The report says an "incentive-based" system to encourage safer methods of raising animals could be more effective than increasing food inspections. For example, small farmers could receive training and other help that would lead to official certification that their products are safe.


n.高温, 炎热
The heat from the fire will soon dry your coat.
激动, 热烈, 激烈
They argued with great heat.
He won the first heat, but lost the final.
他在预赛中赢了, 但在决赛中输了KnXG%J*T~93]hiRV2
vt. & vi.(使)热
Grain heats in a pile.
Please heat me some milk.
vt.使激动, 激发
He walks with a limp.
The damaged ship limped back to port.
adj.无力的; 无生气的; 易弯的; 松软的
He gave her a limp, cold handshake.
This company is limp.
adj.提醒的, 暗示的; 像…的; 使人想起…的
His style of painting is reminiscent of Da Vinci's.
vt.猛投, 用力掷
The young track and field athlete could already hurl the discus 60 yards.
He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake.
vt.勇敢地面对, 正视
A soldier has to confront danger.
迎面遇到, 遭遇
The difficulties that confront us seem insuperable.
使对质, 使当面对证
They confronted the prisoner with his accusers.
He is flabbergast when he hears that his friend has been accused of murder.
Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
n.全景画, 全景照片;全景
A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.
A vast panorama of the valley lay before us.
Dewdrops were still clinging on the trees.
He clung to the rope with both hands.
He clung to his own view.
He beat his rival.
vt.与…竞争, 与…匹敌
None of us can rival him in strength.
The sunset rivalled the sunrise in beauty.

  • certificationn. 证明,保证,鉴定
  • stockn. 存货,储备; 树干; 血统; 股份; 家畜 adj
  • cown. 母牛,母兽 vt. 恐吓
  • predictv. 预知,预言,预报,预测
  • understandvt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为
  • flipvt. 掷,弹,轻击 vi. 翻转 n. 空翻,浏览 a
  • plasticadj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的 n
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • curiosityn. 好奇,好奇心
  • vastadj. 巨大的,广阔的 n. 浩瀚的太空