日期:2012-06-02 08:46















1【Interpol issues warrant for suspect】国际刑警组织通缉嫌疑人




TEXT:The man suspected of dismembering a male murder victim in Canada is now wanted by Interpol. The international police organization have issued a warrant for the arrest of Luka Rocco Magnotta-- who police believe has left the country. Police say Magnotta, who also goes by the names Eric Clinton Newman and Vladimir Romanov, is suspected of mailing a man's body parts to political parties in Canada. So far, police say, they have no indication of a motive. Julie Noce, Reuters
参考译文:在加拿大,这名男子因涉嫌肢解一位男性受害者而被国际刑警组织通缉mTgIb,Io6-oMoFhRpb。国际警察组织已经发布了抓捕Magnotta的通缉令,警方表示嫌疑人已经离开了加拿大,并称Magnotta还同时还以Newman 和Romanov两个名字犯案,涉嫌将肢解后的一男子邮寄到加拿大政治党派手中ngwb,I3f]Fef4xp^zs。截止目前为止,警方称未能发现嫌疑人杀人的动机|N.vt|q1pS。(经证实,受害者为中国籍加拿大留学生林俊,去年才到加拿大留学)



2【The battle for control in Yemen】也门控制权争夺之战



TEXT:Yemen Television shows images of soldiers battling al Qaeda militants in the south of the country. The video, shot Tuesday comes as militants overran several towns in the south of the country during a popular uprising last year.The uprising severely weakened central government authority and eventually toppled former President Ali Abdullah Saleh. The Yemeni army has since regained control of some parts of Abyan, and other militant strongholds. The United States and its Gulf Arab allies have watched with mounting alarm as security deteriorates in Yemen, home to al Qaeda's Arabian Peninsula wing (AQAP), which is viewed by Washington as a serious threat. The United States has stepped up drone attacks against militants it suspects may be plotting against it. It has also renewed military training to help Yemeni security forces against al Qaeda. Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters



3【Youngest ever in Spelling Bee】美国拼字比赛最年轻的选手


TEXT:Lori Anne Madison prepares to hear her first word in the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition. At six years old, she's the youngest ever qualifier in the contest and one of 278 competitors. Spelling Bee is a big deal in the U.S. and for some, the anxiety is palpable. But others have learned to take the angst in their stride. SOUNDBITE: Adam Ferrari, contestant from New York, saying (English): "I am a little nervous, only because I don't know which word I'm going to get, but once I get the word, I'm very calm, I think of the word in my head and I say it letter by letter." SOUNDBITE: Sheena Wandia Chege, contestant from South Carolina, saying (English): "I just try to help make myself relax before I spell my word and take a deep breath and then after I spell it, and I get it right then all the nervousness goes away." In the end, it was the crop of a bird that got the better of Madison. The champion speller will walk off with $30,000 in cash and other lucrative prizes. Tara Cleary, Reuters.
参考译文:在全美拼字大赛中,Madison正准备听她的第一个单词Y|%Z*|Gl0*y+!UHGO)。这个六岁的小姑娘,是这个比赛有史以来最年轻的资格者,她将面临278位竞争对手aUhI*u@cj3hrhL+@Bia。拼字大赛在美国很受重视,对于一些选手来说,紧张是在所难免的cXiD[nc9(NAV19N|k。但其他人一些选手学会了如何将焦虑泰然处之AZAlcKo8KA#QAMw)nKJ。Adam Ferrari,一位来自纽约的选手说:“我开始有点紧张,因为我不知道接下来我会遇到哪个单词Lo(;!Wk.;kPK!.。但当我一看到这个词,我变得很冷静,我在自己的脑海里仔细回想,并一个字母一个字母的念出来ca^,*Hh@kTaAw!Tc。”来自南卡罗来纳的选手Wandia Chege 说:“在拼读单词之前,我先做了个深呼吸来放松自己,随后便开始拼写D~^8;YFM*5tUK)|^+|。当拼写正确后,全身的紧张都没有了2AvYudPK!DXe5=K^,gJY。”最终,Madison未能拼出"鸟的嗉囊"这个词(即:ingluvies)qvK5LkkN[jPE.。拼字冠军将获得30000美元现金以及其它丰厚的奖品kEW*@ehIybI



4【Syrian government blames rebels for massacre】叙利亚政府指责叛军大屠杀



TEXT:More finger pointing over a mass killing that happened in Syria one week ago. Syrian government officials say a preliminary investigation shows it was anti-government rebels who killed 108 people in the region of Houla last week. The head of a government investigation said the victims were people who opposed the uprising.HEAD OF SYRIAN GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE, BRIGADIER GENERAL QASSEM JAMAL SULEIMAN, SAYING: "They have never protested or carried weapons against the government. They disagreed with the armed terrorist groups. The aim [of these armed groups] is to bring foreign military intervention against the country in any form and way." The Syrian government's investigation is being rejected by Western powers. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice.U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS SUSAN RICE, SAYING: "I think quite simply it's another blatant lie. There is no factual evidence, including that provided by the UN observers that would substantiate that rendition of events." As the 14 month crisis seems to be heading towards civil war, Western officials have strongly criticised countries who continue to support the Syrian regime,namely China and Russia, which has reportedly just shipped arms to Damascus. Beijing and Moscow have both vetoed two Security Council resolutions calling for tougher action against Damascus. Julie Noce, Reuters




【Iranian Homosexuals Speak Out About Persecution】伊朗同性恋者大谈遭受迫害



TEXT:Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says they do not exist. And in Iran, merely trying to be themselves is a crime that brings shame on their families. But now, Iranian homosexuals are starting to speak out about what it means to be gay and about the lengths to which they have gone to escape persecution.


The day begins as normal for Arash and Nima. But for them, just walking out the door is a reminder they are no longer at home in Iran.


"“The LGBT (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgendered people) are a part of vulnerable class of the Iranian society," Arash explained.


Arash left Iran for Turkey nine months ago. He now works as a filmmaker and shot a video to help document his new life.


Iran’s conservative Islamic laws leave little room for homosexuality. United Nations experts and rights groups have criticized the Iranian government for criminalizing all homosexual acts, making certain acts punishable by death. Iran has also come under fire for subjecting those suspected of homosexuality to arbitrary arrest and torture.


The issue is one that Iranians are slowly being forced to confront - often through film. Such films, though, are not being made in Iran.


And at least at the highest levels, denial is the rule - as evidenced by comments Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made to students at New York’s Columbia University in 2007:


“In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country. In Iran we do not have this phenomenon, I don't know who has told you that we have it," Ahmadinejad declared.


Farid, another Iranian exile living in Turkey, said on YouTube the feeling of oppression permeates Iran's everyday life.


“When you walk down the street, you feel you are being assaulted from all sides," he said. "We [gay people] are being looked at like a third gender."


One place gay Iranians have found refuge is the United States, where despite controversy, some states and even Washington D.C., have been extending more rights to homosexuals, including the right to get married.


Mali Kisagari was born in Iran in 1958… and in 2004 she married her partner, Elizabeth Kristen, in California.


“In the U.S., people’s rights are respected," she noted. "When I entered the U.S., I found this is a place I can be myself.”


Such attitudes are a long way from being accepted in Iran. Still, from the Iranian diaspora, singers like Shohreh are pushing back - as in her music video.


“The reason why I used the homosexual flag in my video was to support these people,” she explained. “Families should know that their children should not be blamed for being homosexual. They have been homosexual since childhood."


For now, couples like Arash and Nima can only wonder what it would be like to live as themselves in their home country.


“I want to bring their face in front of [documentary] movie camera, so that the heterosexual class understands the gays better; so that a day may come that the two classes of people may coexist,” Arash said.


To many gay Iranians, that day still seems a long way off.


2.VOA 慢速
【Teaching Coffee Farmers About the Birds and the Bees】鸟儿和蜜蜂,咖啡种植者的好帮手





TEXT:This is the VOA Special English Agriculture Report.

The University of Georgia is a respected research university. Thirty-five thousand students attend the main campus in Athens, Georgia, and extended campuses around the state. And among its areas of research is agriculture.

UGA has a center in San Luis de Monteverde in Costa Rica. This center is for students and visitors who want to learn more about farming and living in environmentally friendly ways.

Some students take a class called "Coffee: From Bean to Cup." Coffee is one of the most widely traded products in the world, and the most important agricultural product for Costa Rica.

Professor Valerie Peters teaches the class. Her students help her study coffee farms in an area called Finca la Bella. Farmers in this area agreed to grow their coffee sustainably , using methods that do less harm to the environment.

Most coffee farms in Costa Rica have one or two different kinds of trees to help shade the coffee plants from the sun. In Finca la Bella most farms have at least twenty kinds of trees. Many of the farmers have also planted more flowers. When there are more flowers and more kinds of trees, more bees will come to pollinate the coffee plants. Coffee plants can pollinate themselves, but bees help increase the harvest.

Professor Peters is working with her students to help teach farmers about the importance of bees and having more trees and flowers. "Many of the farmers commented that they never even thought of bees as having a role in their coffee production," she says.

Having more species of trees on coffee farms also provides more places for birds to live. If farmers have at least ten different kinds of trees per hectare, they may be able to have their coffee certified as "bird-friendly." This is done by the Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center in the United States. Bird-friendly coffee can sell for a higher price.

The University of Georgia is also helping farmers in Costa Rica increase their income through tourism. Professor Quint Newcomer directs this program. He says students help design tour routes through coffee farms.

QUINT NEWCOMER: "These farmers become our teachers. They are sharing their local knowledge about how to work the land in a really sustainable way, and they become the teachers. But then our students can also help provide them with ideas and recommendations about how to improve their tour. And the more they improve it, the more people want to go."

UGA Costa Rica, as the center is called, also plans to increase the amount of locally produced food it buys. The goal is to buy at least fifty percent locally by twenty-fifteen.

And when the center needs wood for building, it buys only wood grown locally without artificial chemicals.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report. You can find more stories about coffee at 51voa.com, where you can also find texts and MP3s of our programs. I'm Karen Leggett.
乔治亚大学哥斯达黎加的San Luis de Monteverde有一处中心,该中心是为那些想了解环境友好型农业和生活而建立的N~Q2rfg#Et3uB3*,Q
Valerie Peters教授讲授这门课程,她的学生帮她研究Finca la Bella地区的咖啡农场,该地区的农民同意用对环境危害小的方式进行可持续的咖啡种植Ubko,&+p;O7d=Umjfyin
哥斯达黎加大部分咖啡农场都有一到两种树木来为咖啡树遮阴,而在Finca la Bella,大多数农场至少有20种树4DSkTXAA9r;。许多农民还种了很多花,花和树木的种类越多,就有更多蜜蜂来为咖啡树授粉T9RpW(ws&#U]XeMYIuU。咖啡树可自己授粉,但蜜蜂授粉可提高产量I[o5nh_]YfeS*+
乔治亚大学也帮助哥斯达黎加农民通过旅游创收,Quint Newcomer教授指导该项目的实施,她说,学生们帮助设计咖啡农场旅游线路I0Yk3+wzV3EK,zW7Cd
Quint Newcomer:“这些农民们就是我们的老师,他们与我们分享当地如何可持续种植的知识,这样就成了老师C49~8,PGRs。但学生们帮他们在改善旅游上出点子想建议0u]GzSV2qz1eJJuF^!。改善得越多,就有越多人想来P%~UzEhx0F39g#。”









MV描述: Avril Lavigne单曲《Smile》


You know that I’m a crazy bitch 你知道我是个疯狂的婊子
I do what I want when I feel like it 我做我觉得要去做的东西
All I want to do is lose control 我想做的是失去自我控制
Oh oh, but you don’t really give a shit 噢噢~ 但是你从来不给我一点机会
You go with it, go with it, go with it 你跟它一起,跟它一起,跟它一起
Cause you’re fucking crazy rock and roll 因为你他妈是个疯狂的摇滚风


Yeah you said hey 你说嘿
What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
It took one look and now it looks all the same 它看了一眼,现在什么都和它看得一样
Yeah you said hey 你说嘿
Since that day 从那天开始
You stole my heart and you’re the one to blame 你偷了我的心,这都是你的错


And that’s why I smile 这就是为什么我要笑
It’s been a while 已经过了一段时间了
Since every day and everything is about this 因此每一天和每一件是都关于这个
Right and now 现在
You’re turning all around 你转过身来
And suddenly you’re all I need 一瞬间你变成了我需要的人
The reason why I smile 这个就是为什么我要笑的原因


Last night I blackout the think 昨晚我停止思想
What did you, what did you put in my drink 为什么你要把我弄醉
I remember making it out and then oh, oh 我记得我们亲热的时候.噢噢..
I woke up with a new tattoo 我醒来的时候和一个新的纹身
Your name’s on me, my name’s on you 你的名字在我的身上,我的名字在你的身上
I’ll do all over again 我会再做一遍


Yeah you said hey 你说嘿
What’s your name? 你叫什么名?
It took one look and now you locked that scene 你看了一眼,现在你看到了那一幕
Yeah you said hey 你说嘿
Since that day 从这天起
You stole my heart and you’re the one to blame 你偷了我的心,这都是你的错


And that’s why I smile 这就是为什么我要笑
It’s been a while 已经过了一段时间了
Since every day and everything is about this 因此每一天和每一件是都关于这个
Right and now 现在
You’re turning all round 你转过身来
And suddenly you’re all I need 一瞬间你就是我需要的哪个人
The reason why I smile 这个就是为什么我要笑的原因


You know that I’m a crazy bitch 你知道我是个疯狂的婊子
I do what I want when I feel like it 我做我觉得要去做的东西
All I want to do is to lose control 我想做的是失去自我控制
You know that I’m a crazy bitch你知道我是个疯狂的婊子
I do what I want when I feel like it 我做我觉得想要去做的事
All I want to do is to lose control 我想要做的就是失去控制


And that’s why I smile 这就是为什么我要笑
It’s been a while 过了一段时间
Since every day and everything is about this 每一天每一件事都跟这个一样
Right and now 现在
You’re turning all round 你转过身来
And suddenly you’re all I need 突然你变成我的需要
The reason why I smile 这就是我笑的原因
The reason why I smile 这就是我笑的原因


to dismember a body
He is a wanted man.
n.要塞;据点, 大本营
The club is the last stonghold of male privilege.
They captured the last stronghold.
vt. & vi.登上; 骑上
The climbers mounted higher and higher.
vi.增加; 上升
Social problems in modern society are mounting.
The price has been mounting.
vt.上演; 配有…
It'll cost a great deal of money to mount the play.
发动攻击; 攻击
The opposition is getting ready to mount a powerful attack on the government.
She is the first woman who steps on the top of Mount Jolmo Lungma.
This is a novel with a complicated plot.
(秘密)计划, 密谋
The police exposed a criminal plot to assassinate the President.
His land is split up into several widely scattered plots.
vt.把…分成小块; 划分;绘制; 标出
He plotted the position Mary should go.
vt. & vi.密谋
He plotted the ruin of his enemy.
They plotted to kill the politician.
vt.用事实支持(某主张、说法等);证明, 证实
Do you have any proof to substantiate your alibi?

  • controversyn. (公开的)争论,争议
  • arbitraryadj. 任意的,专制的,武断的,霸道的
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • dronen. 雄蜂,游手好闲者,嗡嗡声,无人驾驶飞机(或艇等),
  • interventionn. 插入,介入,调停
  • securityn. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券
  • phenomenonn. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件
  • ruinv. 毁灭,毁坏,破产 n. 毁灭,崩溃,废墟
  • indicationn. 表示,指示,象征
  • victimn. 受害者,牺牲