日期:2023-07-02 15:21



Melanie: Coco, your package has arrived. It is quite heavy, so I think it's your books.

可可,你的包裹到了。 它很重,所以我认为这是你的书。

Coco: Yeah! I've been waiting for a week! I don't even remember which books I got. Oh, I remember purchasing this one. It's a classic. And this one is a memoir that I've been wanting to read for ages.

是啊! 我已经等了一个星期了! 我什至不记得我买了哪些书。 哦,我记得买了这个。 这是一个经典。 这是一本我多年来一直想读的回忆录。

Melanie: I thought you got sci-fi.


Coco: well, you get lost easily in all the good books in all the genres so I may have ordered out of my plans.


Melanie: Looks like your reading list just got a little bit longer.


Coco: But I don't mind. I think of it as building my own personal library. And when I am ready for a new batch, I can donate all of those to community libraries so more people can benefit from them.

但我不介意。 我把它当作是在建立我自己的个人图书馆。 当我准备好新一批时,我可以将所有这些捐赠给社区图书馆,以便更多人可以从中受益。


1.Memoir n. 回忆录

例: She wrote a memoir of her stay in France.


2.genre n. 类型

例: He made a massive contribution to the horror genre.


3.Reading list 读书清单

例: I am happy to provide Anna's wonderful reading list. I hope your kids will find it interesting and useful.

我很高兴提供安娜的精彩阅读清单。 我希望您的孩子会发现它有趣且有用。

4.I don't mind. 我不在意/介意。

例: I do not mind if you use my office for your meeting.


5.batch n. 批次

例: We baked two batches of cookies. The first batch didn't exactly fail but it wasn't our best try.

我们烤了两批饼干。 第一批并没有完全失败,但这不是我们最好的尝试。

6.Benefit from 从...收益

例: Some critics say that only wealthy people will benefit from the tax cuts.

