Here's one way to tell if you're in a healthy relationship and nobody is talking about this one. Do you practice loving detachment? Meaning that you know full well that your partner would do just fine without you. They'd be happy and thriving, but they choose to be with you and you also know you'd be the same. You do just fine without them. But you have such an abundance of happiness. You want to share with someone.
Carnegie(戴尔卡耐基)的How to Win Friends and influence People《人性的弱点》Chapter 1-(If you want to gather honey, don't kick the beehive over. 如果你想采蜂蜜,就不要把蜂窝踢开)
Criticism is futile because it puts a person on the defensive and usually makes him strive to justify himself. Criticism is dangerous, because it wounds a person’s precious pride, hurts his sense of importance, and arouses resentment.
B.F. Skinner, the world-famous psychologist, proved through his experiments that an animal rewarded for good behaviour will learn much more rapidly and retain what it learns far more effectively than an animal punished for bad behaviour. Later studies have shown that the same applies to humans. By criticising, we do not make lasting changes and often incur resentment.
Do you know someone you would like to change and regulate and improve? Good! That is fine. I am all in favour of it. But why not begin on yourself? From a purely selfish standpoint, that is a lot more profitable than trying to improve others – yes, and a lot less dangerous. ‘Don’t complain about the snow on your neighbour’s roof,’said Confucious, ‘when your own doorstep is unclean.’