美国宾夕法利亚大学法学教授谈到印度的时候,谈及婆罗门女性在美国接受了高等教育,但是反过头来指责美国是“种族主义者”(racism),教授突然话锋一转,她说:and yet, on some level, their country is a shithole, excuse my language(但是,在某种程度上来说,他们国家就是一个肮脏的地方,抱歉我这么说)
So, here the shithole means a very dirty or unpleasant place 极其肮脏的地方;令人厌恶的地方,but this word is a taboo(禁忌)(a general agreement not to talk about避讳,不要谈论的事情)
There are so many difficult words in American English. Here's the one. 美式英文中有很多难词,现在给你推荐一个芬兰喜剧演员学习美语的切身经历。Please check it out.
1、I know what shit means, but it turns out I didn't know shit. 我知道“shit”的意思,但是我啥都不懂。
shit: nothing
2、It's shit. (Something is bad!) 这是一个坨翔。
3、It's the shit. (Something is really good.)太棒了!(diao炸天)
4、I had to study that shit. 我真得好好研究下这个了。
5、I give a shit to you. 我很在乎你。
6、I give shit to you. (I’m telling you off. 我在骂你。)
7、I take shit. (I accept that you're bullying me. 我忍受着你欺负我。)
shit: bad or unfair behavior or treatment 不好的,不公平的行为
8、I take a shit. (我去拉一坨翔。)
9、My shit! (Positive) 感叹词
10、I can't deal with her shit! 我受不了她了。
11、I have to put up with his shit! 我还得忍受他。
12、Clean up your shit. 收好你的烂摊子。
13、Don't touch my shit. 别碰我的东西。
14、I have shit to do. 我有点事儿要干。
15、I like to travel, and shit. 我喜欢旅游。(我喜欢旅游)
16、It's a piece of shit. 一场差劲的电影,一辆糟糕的车或者是一个差劲的人。
17、It's the whole shit. 太糟糕了!
18、I’m the shit!