Why Vote? 为什么要选举?
日期:2015-11-20 14:36
I don't know why I bother to vote.
我不知道我为什么讨厌选举 。
Why's that?
What good does it do?
You get to put someone in power that you like.
你要让你喜欢的人拥有权力 。
Only if my candidate wins.
但愿我的候选人会赢 。
Well, he can't win unless you and others vote for him.
好吧,如果你和其他人不投票给他,他不会赢的 。
But even if my candidate wins, he'll break his promises.
但是即使我的候选人赢了,他也不会遵守诺言的 。
That's true. They promise anything just so they get elected.
确实 。他们的承诺只是为了当选 。
And when elected, they go their own way.
当他们当选后,他们就按自己的方式行事 。
They forget who put them in power.
他们忘记了是谁让他们拥有权力 。
They forget where they came from.
他们忘了权力来自哪 。
Maybe you should run for office.
或许你应该去竞选 。