He Got Reelected 获得连任
日期:2015-10-30 13:23
Only 15 percent of the voters turned out.
只有百分之15的投票人出席 。
That is a joke.
那是一个玩笑 。
Voting is so important, but people don't bother.
选举很重要,但人们不在意 。
Many people think their vote doesn't matter.
很多人认为他们的选票无足轻重 。
The mayor won by only 2,000 votes.
市长以2000个选票获胜 。
We're stuck with him for four more years.
我们又要不得不忍受他四年多 。
Voting is so easy. You can even mail your ballot in.
选举很容易 。你甚至可以把你的选票寄过来 。
All you have to do is vote and put a stamp on it.
你所需要做的就是投票并贴上邮票 。
How easy is that?
I guess people just don't care.
我猜想人们不会关心的 。
They'll care when they see their taxes go up.
当他们的税收上涨的时候他们就会关心了 。