A Powerful Position 有权力的位置
日期:2015-11-09 13:10
Well, more than 50 million people voted for McCain.
好吧,有超过5000万人投票给了麦凯恩 。
That's 50 million people who don't love Obama.
那就是说有5000万人不喜欢奥巴马 。
Obama's got four years to make everyone happy.
奥巴马已经让每个人幸福了四年 。
He's never going to make everyone happy.
他从未能使每个人幸福 。
Can you imagine being President?
Everyone wants you to solve their problems.
每个人都想让你解决他们的问题 。
I have enough stress from trying to solve my own problems.
我解决自己的问题就有足够多的压力了 。
You and everybody else.
你和所有其他人 。
I would never want to be President.
我想我永远都不会想成为总统 。
But think about all the power you'd have.
但是想象你拥有的权利 。
I prefer my quiet little life to all the power in the world.
相比于世间的权利我更喜欢自己安静的小世界 。