日期:2012-03-27 15:12
1) getting you down 使你难过, 灰心丧气
Hey! What's getting your down? 嘿!什么事让你这么难过?
I miss my family back in Ohio. I don't get to see them very often.
Don't let that get your down! You can always Skype them.
2) getting by 还可以
How are you doing? 你怎么样啊?
I'm just getting by... I'm looking for a job and it's not easy.
3) getting along 与某人相处得很好;not getting along 与某人相处不好、合不来
Bob and I aren't getting along. 我和Bob合不来。
Why not? 为什么合不来?
He keeps talking behind my back. That's not cool.
You should talk to him. 你应该和他说下。
4)take some getting used to 这得花点时间来适应
These heels are really high. They are going to take some getting used to.