Black and White
All colors are special, but there are something about black and white.
所有颜色都是特殊的,但关于黑色和白色则有些东西 。
And I am talking about the combination here that has real power.
而我谈论的是这个组合有真正的力量 。
Black and white make people focus, they say that most people dream in black and white, I wonder why that is.
黑和白让人们关注,他们说,大多数人会做黑白梦,我不知道为什么会是那样 。
My theory is that the details of the dream, for example, what color someone's socks are, while those details are not as important as the meaning of the dream, but I am no expert.
我的理论是,梦的细节,比如,某人的袜子是什么颜色,而那些细节不重要,重要的是梦的意义,但我不是专家 。
But back to black and white, do you like black and white photography?
I started to get into black and white photography when I was in the eighth grade.
当我在8年级时,我开始进入黑白摄影的世界 。
I would spend hours in the darkroom developing pictures that I shot, so I fell in love with black and white before high school.
我会花时间在暗房洗我拍的照片,所以在高中前我爱上了黑色和白色组成的这个世界 。
I can go on and on about white or black by themselves, but the combination of the two, whether in newspapers, films, or United States police cars, well, it seems like the individual colors become more powerful when used together.
我可以一直钻研白色或黑色,但这两种颜色结合,无论是报纸、电影、还是美国警车,嗯,这好像是一个个体的颜色结合在一起使用时变得更加强大 。
I guess that is the truth of all colors.
Colors have their own meanings when they are alone, but put them together and their meanings might change completely.
颜色在单独时有自己的意思,但把它们组合在一起,其含义可能完全改变 。
Talk about it:
What comes to your mind when you hear black or white or the powerful combination black and white?
What are some things that are black and white?
Do you know any idioms that use the word black and white?
What do you think of black and white photographs?
Do you prefer them or color photographs?
Have you ever watched a black and white movie or TV program?
Some people are said to be color-blind, what do you think this means?
How would it affect you if you suddenly lost the ability to see colors?
What are some color combinations that you like?