实用口语天天学 第27课:嘴要冒火了
日期:2011-02-06 09:21


(Twenty minutes later )
B: Oh! My mouth is on fire!

A: I feel so good. That warm hot pot certainly hits the spot on winter nights.

B: I need more water!

A: Oooo...gross...you're sweating all over the place.

B: It's your fault for mixing the two broths!

A: You're going to have a little Montezuma's revenge tomorrow morning.

B: Montezuma's not the only one who's going to be getting revenge tomorrow...

★ on fire 起火,着火

★ hit the spot 正合脾胃

★ Montezuma's revenge (俚)腹泻。“蒙提祖马二世”Montezuma系阿兹特克族在墨西哥最后一任的皇帝,由于墨西哥及南美洲早期卫生情况不佳,当地旅客经常吃坏肚子,所以戏称腹泻为“蒙提祖马二世的报复”

★ get revenge 报复
B: 噢!我的嘴要冒火了!

A: 我觉得好爽。在冬夜里最适合来上一锅热热的麻辣锅了。

B: 我还要喝水!

A: 唷……真恶心……你汗流得到处都是。

B: 还不都怪你把两种汤混在一起!

A: 明天早上你会闹肚子的。

B: 明天麻烦的可不只是腹泻而已……

  • faultn. 缺点,过失,故障,毛病,过错,[地]断层 vt.
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟
  • revengen. 报仇,报复,复仇愿望,获得满足的机会 vt. 报仇