Victor: Gaby, we agreed that after we got married you would sell the house.
Gabrielle: I still have a lot of stuff here.
Victor: My house is over ten thousand square feet, I'm pretty sure there are closets.
Gabrielle: I'm just not in a rush to unload this house, okay? This was my home. I was very happy here.
Victor: Well you got a new home now. Aren't you happy there?
Gabrielle: Yeah, it's a great house.
Victor: Well, good, then sell this place. What are you waiting for?
Gabrielle: I'm not waiting for anything. Oh look, a moving van.
I am not in a rush to unload this house, okay?
'unload'在这里相当于'sell, get rid of, dispose of',就是卖掉,脱手的意思.非常的口语化.这句话也可以说成,'I am not in a hurry to dispose of the house.'当然这样就比较正式.
Dispose of: to get rid of somebody/something that you do not want or cannot keep 去掉;清除;销毁
the difficulties of disposing of nuclear waste 处理核废料的困难
unload原意是指"(从车、船上)卸,取下",但也可以用于不同的场景中,大前提都是"to get rid of".比如说前几天我和老外聊天,聊到了生活中不顺心的事,第二天他就和我说,"Last night you unloaded your unhappiness on me."意思就是我向他倒苦水.
He unloaded some of the anguish on me. 他向我倾诉他的一些苦恼.
It's his problem, not something he should unload onto you. 那是他的事,他不该把问题甩给你.