看美剧学口语:Gossip Girl S3E1
日期:2010-03-15 13:51


绯闻女孩第三季第1集:命运的逆转Reversals of Fortune


剧情简介:一个暑假过去,Blair 与Chuck 疯狂相爱;Serena 与Carter 的关系错综复杂扑朔迷离;Nate 携新欢出现;Rufus、Dan 和Jenny 则开始尽情享受奢华生活......

片名释义:Reversals of Fortune

Reversal of Fortune《命运的逆转》是1990年的电影,讲述一位富豪被控谋杀妻子,一切证据都对他十分不利,陪审团认为罪名成立,将被判刑.他不服上诉,並延请一位法律教授出庭辨护,法律教授通过严密的调查分折,将一审有罪的判决推翻.尽管谋杀的可能性依然存在,但再无指控的法律根据.

Words and Expressions

1.It looks like S left big shoes to fill, and someone find them the perfect fit.

在英语里,fill sb's shoes的意思是"成功地接替某人(的工作)", do sb's job in a satisfactory way when they are not there

e.g.Carter is retiring and we need a new director to fill his shoes. 卡特先生要退休了,我们需要一位新的经理来接替他.


be in somebody's shoes; put yourself in somebody's shoes: to be in, or imagine that you are in, another person's situation, especially when it is an unpleasant or difficult one 处于某人的境地;设身处地

e.g. I wouldn't like to be in your shoes when they find out about it. 等他们弄清事情真相的时候,你的日子就很不好过了.

if I were in your shoes: used to introduce a piece of advice you are giving to somebody (引出建议)要是我处在你的境地,换了我是你的话

e.g. If I were in your shoes, I'd resign immediately. 要是我处在你的地位,我就立刻辞职.

这里是说S 离开了留下一大豪宅给别人占去了.

2.Nate: Oh, are you done with that? I'll take it. 你看完了吗?我想看看.
Bree:Yeah, sure.当然可以.
Nate: Ew, on second thought... 转念想想......

On second thought: (表示已改变想法)又一想,转念一想

e.g. I'll wait here. No, on second thought, I'll come with you. 我就在这儿等.不,再一想,我还是跟你一起走.

3. I thought after the whole arrest scandal, out of sight, out of mind.

out of sight, out of mind: used to say somebody will quickly be forgotten when they are no longer with you 眼不见,心不想

4. But the little white lies that I tell my family are none of your business.

white lie是指为避免伤害他人感情的时所说的善意的谎言,小谎 harmless or small lie, especially one that you tell to avoid hurting somebody

"撒个小谎"就可以说成"to tell a white lie".

e.g. When she asked me if I liked her dress I had to tell a white lie. I thought it looked awful, but I couldn't say no! 当她问我喜不喜欢她的新装时,我只能撒个小谎.其实我觉得那件衣服难看之极,却不好直说.

  • retiringadj. 腼腆的,隐居的,不喜社交的 动词retire的
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • harmlessadj. 无害的,无恶意的
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • unpleasantadj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的
  • reversaln. 翻转,倒转,反转
  • scandaln. 丑闻,中伤,反感,耻辱
  • resignv. 辞职,放弃,顺从,听任
  • arrestvt. 逮捕,拘留 n. 逮捕,拘留 vt. 阻止