日期:2010-03-12 15:36


play hard to get 欲擒故纵

在人际关系中,好比男女关系或是聘雇之间的关系,有时候一方会采取不置可否的态度,让人觉得对方若即若离的,在要与不要之间,真叫人把握不定.也许你会觉得对方其实是想要,只是爱拿翘、搞神秘,这种情况在美语言中就可以用Play hard to get"欲擒故纵"来形容.

A:I don't think Lily likes me. 我觉得莉莉不喜欢我.
B:No, she does. She's just playing hard to get. 不,她喜欢你.她只是欲擒故纵.

Push one's luck 得寸进尺

人有时候不懂得察言观色,吃了一点甜头还不知节制,若是你遇到这种"得寸进尺"push one's luck的人,就可以送他这这句话Don't push your luck."你别得寸进尺了".给他来点小小的警告,以免对方乐极生悲.

A:I will be in charge of this company in 3 years. 我会在3年内掌管这家公司.
B:Don't push your luck. If the boss hears you say that, you'll be without a job.你别得寸进尺.要是老板听到你说的话,你连工作都会没有.

Max out: to do something with as much effort and determination as you can. 累惨了

"max"是"极限"的意思.Maxed out是用来表示一个人累惨了,或者是付出非常大的努力.

A:I was working 70 hours this week. I'm totally maxed out.
B:70 hours? I'd be dead if I worked this hard.

Don't sweat on it 别花这心思

Sweat 是"流汗",而若是碰到要费一些周折才能解决的事,流点汗肯定是免不了的.于是sweat也可以用作名字,表示"苦差事",引申作动词也就成了"费苦心" 的意思,Don't sweat on it这句短语就是指"别花力气、心思在这上头."目的是告诉对方不必大费周折,白花力气.

A:I'm sorry I forgot your birthday party. 我很抱歉忘了你的生气派对.
B:Don't sweat on it. I had a good time anyway. 别多心了.反正我玩得很愉快.
A:I still owe you fifty dollars. 我还欠你50美元.
B:Don't sweat on it. We're even. 别麻烦了.我们算扯平.

I'm getting by OK 我还过得去

Get by 就是指"状况还过得去",而在使用上,主要的状况有两种,一是指经济状况,get by 用来表示钱虽然赚得不多,但是也够支付日常生活的开销了.

A:Are you able to get by on the salary you make? 你赚的薪水够你开销吗?
B:I'm able to get by, but it could be better. 我的生活还过得去,不过还可以更好.
Get by 也可以用来表示心理状态,形容心情平静,不能说心情不好,但也不是那种兴高采烈的情绪.
A:How are you doing? 你还好吗?
B:I'm getting by OK. You know, things just keep getting better and better.

What's up with... ...是怎么了?

A:What's up with him? 他是怎么回事?
B:He and his girlfriend just split up. 他跟女朋友刚分手.

Rub it in. 落井下石

Rub in 的这个动作就像是一抹再抹,越抹越进去的感觉,而这个短语在使用上,就是"落井下石"的意思,明明人家已经很惨了,却还要打落水狗,在伤口上撒盐.

A:So, your sister beat you in bowling. 所以你妹妹打保龄球赢了你!
B:Stop rubbing it in, OK? 别落井下石了,好吗?
A:Didn't I tell you over and over again she doesn't like you? 我不是一再告诉你她不喜欢你吗?
B:You don't have to rub it in. 你不用落井下石嘛.

A big letdown 大失所望的事

A:Henry is such a good man.
B:It was a big letdown that I didn't know him.

A stuffed shirt 摆架子的人

A:Our boss is a stuffed shirt, we all don't like him.

Fifty-fifty 平分

A:Let's split the prize money fifty-fifty.

  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分
  • beatv. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动 n. 敲打,拍子,心跳
  • sweatn. 汗,汗水 v. (使)出汗 n. (凝结在物
  • determinationn. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位
  • lilyadj. 纯白的 n. 百合花