日期:2010-02-02 09:44


1.sneak 潜入

If I come home late. I sneak into my house so I don't wake anyone up. 如果我回家晚了,我会静悄悄的进去,不被任何人察觉.

2.head 去什么地方

例句:I'm so tired. I'm heading home. 我很累了,我回家了.

Are you heading to class later? 过一会你去上课吗?

3.memorize 记住,背下

例句:I have to memorize forty vocabulary words today.今天我要背四十个单词.

pass ① 给......

例句:Could you pass me that paper? 你能把那张纸递给我吗?
Joe is thirsty. Pass him a drink. 乔很渴,递给他一瓶水.

② 超过
例句:I was running as fast as I could, but that guy passed me.

③ 成功做什么了
例句:I'm free! I've passed the final exams, finally. 我终于解脱了,期末考试通过了.

sharp ① 穿着帅气
例句:That's a really sharp looking suit.这种穿着很漂亮.

② 聪明
例句:He's a sharp lawyer. 他是一个聪明的律师.

bluff 骗人,虚张声势,吓唬人,忽悠

Don't hit me! OK? I know Kong Fu. I'm not bluffing.别碰我,我会武功,我可没骗你.

sidetracked 分神, 偏离

例:Peter thought he would go to college right after high school , but he got sidetracked , he spent four years in the army first .

Hey, I 'm sorry I didn't have time to buy your back, you know , there was a sale going on at the CD store , I got sidetracked.
  • bluffingn. 褶边装置;诈骗;唬弄 v. 欺骗;吓唬(bluff
  • thirstyadj. 口渴的,渴望的
  • headingn. 标题,题目,航向 动词head的现在分词