1.If the electricity goes out... 如果没电了......
停电还可以说have a power cut/outage, have a blackout
2.Eleanor put me in charge and it's really big deal. Eleanor让我负责,这可不是闹着玩的(这可不是儿戏).
big deal在这里=very important.
A:Hurry up. We are late for school! 快点啦.我们上学迟到了.
B:Big Deal! 管他呢! (有什么了不起的)
So you just made a minor error. NBD. ( no big deal).
你还可以说no biggie, no big whoop. don't worry, no worries, take it easy.
你让别人不要大惊小怪,小题大做,可以说don't make such a big deal ( a meal; a drama; a fuss) out of it
如果你真的觉得对方很大题小作,可以这样说来加强语气: So I dated your little sister. Like it's such a big deal! 我就和你妹妹约会来.有什么大不了的啊.
Dan 后面说了个package deal,愿意是说一整套、一揽子的服务或者交易,这里指的是既然Serena和Blair那么要好,她们两个就形影相随,你就算不喜欢Blair也没办法,邀请了Serena,另一个就要跟着来,否则Serena就会很难做.买一送一(buy one and get one free).
3.I'd love to give you a ride. 让我送你一程吧.
give someone a ride的意思是让某人搭便车,送某人一程.你还可以说give a lift.
4.I'm so glad they sent you. 终于把你盼来啦.我真是太高兴他们派你来了.
5.That guy is totally into you. 那帅哥对你很有意思呀.
be into someone意思是=like someone much=喜欢,为某人着迷,对某人很有感觉,对某人有意思.
除了用be into, 你还可以用下属英语来表示对某人有感觉
be crazy about someone
be attracted to someone
love someone head over heels 等等.
6.He thinks of me a little sister. 他把我当成小妹妹啦.
think of在这里的意思相当于regard/take...as...
其他很多时候=come up with
7. The other night 那天晚上
the other night用来指不久前的一个夜晚.
We went to movies the other night 我们那晚去看电影了.
8.I'm just been so on edge. 我紧张得要疯掉了.
be so on edge的意思是:你因为某些看似不妙的事情要发生而坐立不安,就像要抓狂.你说自己很upset,因为一些不痛快的事情发生了.Eleanor因为即将要来的客人而担忧发狂,她的女儿则是因为听不到chuck的'I love you'而很伤心情绪很激动. 说道upset,如果你故意说什么事情去upset一个人,就是触到了人家的痛处,伤心处,叫做touch a sore point with someone.
9. I went over it a hundred times. 我都检查了一百遍啦.
Go over =examine closely = go through.
10. Caterer thought he was hitting on him. 伙食包办人说他当时想泡他.
hit on someone的意思是:和某人调情,勾引某人,想泡某人 =to flirt with someone, to make a pass at someone, to make a move on someone.如果你说两个男女鬼魂或者某人只是想和你玩玩的,用play around.说某个姑娘向人抛媚眼送秋波说: Agnes is making goo-goo eyes at me.