日期:2010-03-24 13:22


绿领工人 green-collar worker

职场的蓝领和白领之分,大家应该早就习以为常了吧?蓝领工人一般被视为体力劳动者,而白领则被划至脑力劳动者之列。这界限是否真的那么清晰,小编我也无从得知。不过,随着各国环保意识的增加,我们伟大的劳动者行列又多了一个群体,green-collar worker(绿领工人),你大概能猜到他们是做哪一行的吧?

A green-collar worker is a worker who is employed in the environmental sectors of the economy. Environmental green-collar workers (or green jobs) satisfy the demand for green development. Generally, they implement environmentally conscious design, policy, and technology to improve conservation and sustainability.


Green collar workers include professionals such as environmental consultants, environmental or biological systems engineers, green building architects, solar energy and wind energy engineers and installers, green vehicle engineers, "green business" owners, and so on.


绿色信贷 Green Credit

A policy to encourage the businesses to observe the rules and regulations about environmental protection with the leverage of bank credits. Initiated by the former State Environmental Protection Administration, currently the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and China Banking Regulatory Commission in July, 2007, the policy requires the commercial banks, when reviewing the application for bank credits, to consider whether the applying businesses have followed the environmental rules. The violators have less chance to get the approval, while the green businesses would get favorable treatment in this regard. The policy marks a start for the central government to step up the country's environmental protection through market-oriented means.


碳税 carbon tax



Carbon tax, one of the market mechanisms that China is considering adopting, will raise the current energy price from fossil fuel sources, including gasoline, electricity, coal and natural gas.


文中的carbon tax就是指“碳税”,是基于市场的主要减排方案之一,根据fossil fuel(化石燃料)燃烧后排放碳量的多少,针对化石燃料的生产、分配或使用来征收税费。而相比之下,使用wind(风力),sunlight(日光),hydropower(水电)等non-combustion energy sources(非燃烧能源)则更加环保。

Carbon tax是一种针对greenhouse gas(温室气体)中的emissions of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳排放)征收的environmental tax(环境税)。征收carbon tax的目的在于控制climate change(气候变化)和global warming(全球变暖)。此外,人们还常采用carbon capture and storage(碳捕获和存储)等方法来处理emissions of carbon dioxide。

碳足迹 carbon footprint


A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). In other words: When you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on its fuel consumption and the driving distance. When you buy food and goods, the production of the food and goods also emitted some quantities of CO2. Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2.


Your carbon footprint is the sum of all emissions of CO2, which were induced by your activities in a given time frame. Usually a carbon footprint is calculated for the time period of a year.


碳减排 carbon emission reduction



China's commitment on carbon emission reductionis scientific and practical, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said at a news conference following the China-EU summit Monday.


文中的emission reduction就是指“减排”,在这里则具体指carbon emission reduction(碳减排),控制greenhouse gas emission(温室气体排放),降低GDP per capita energy consumption(GDP单位能耗),走low-carbon urbanization way(低碳城市化道路)。

温家宝还指出,中国应平衡发展primary, secondary and tertiary industries(三大产业),而不应过于倚赖制造业。在2003年至2008年间,由于energy-intensive industries(高能耗产业)的迅猛发展,以及energy demand(能源需求)的不断增长,我国的energy consumption(能耗)一直以double-digit growth(两位数的速度增长)。

《京都议定书》Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol is a protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), aimed at combating global warming. The Protocol was initially adopted on 11 December 1997 in Kyoto, Japan and entered into force on 16 February 2005.


大功率电器 high-power electrical appliance



The use of high-power electrical appliances in student dormitories is strictly prohibited, the circular said.


在上面的报道中,high-power electrical appliance就是“大功率电器”,与之相对的就是low-power electrical appliance(小功率电器),二者都属于我们在生活中经常接触到的household electrical appliance(家用电器),按功能还可以分为major appliance(大件电器)和small appliance(小家电)。

冬天天气干燥,容易发生火灾,因此中国教育部要求在学校intensify fire control(加强消防工作),加强fire-fighting education(消防知识教育),遵守fire control regulations(消防法规),确保学校建筑meet fire-proof standards(达到防火安全标准)。

一次性筷子 disposable chopstick



Consumption tax will be imposed on disposable wooden chopsticks, wooden floor panels, yachts, luxury watches and more oil-based products from April 1, the authorities announced yesterday. The move is designed to regulate energy usage and help protect the environment by reducing the exploitation of timber resources。

报道中的disposable wooden chopsticks就是我们日常颇为熟悉的“木制一次性筷子”,disposable的英语释义是designed to be rid of after use(使用后即可遗弃的),它源于动词dispose(去除,丢掉 )。既然现代社会流行“一次性”消费,我们可得到很多类似的相关表达,如:disposable paper tissues(一次性餐巾纸);disposable diapers(免洗尿布);disposable razors(一次性剃须刀)。

值得一提的是,动词dispose还有另一层含意“处理,处置”,因此,其相应形容词disposable可表示“可自由支配的”,如per-capita disposable income(人均可支配收入);disposable business income(企业可用收入);Church-going has become a disposable option.(上教堂做礼拜已成为可自由选择的事情了。)

另外,报道中的consumption tax(消费税)是国际上普遍征收的一个税种,我国自1994年开始征收,它具有调节生产、引导消费和间接调节收入分配等功能。

污水治理 sewage treatment


请看《中国日报》相关报道:China plans to invest 1.4 trillion yuan (US$175 billion) in environmental protection between 2006 and 2010. At a cost of 180 billion yuan,sewage treatment facilities with a combined daily capacity of 40 million tons will be built in 10 river valleys to dispose of wastewater discharged by cities.

城市的“污水处理”常用sewage treatment来表达,sewage指“污水”。由此,“生活污水”可用domestic sewage来形容,而“工业污水”则是industrial sewage。Sewage做“污水”更侧重指“下水道、排水沟排出的固体、液体废物”,所以,与生活息息相关的“化粪池”可表示为sewage tank。

看下面一个例句:Sewage treatment methods vary.(污水处理的方法多种多样。)

另外,由报道,我们可看出“污水处理设备”是sewage treatment facilities,不过单个单词--sewerage--也可表达词义。

可再生能源 renewable energy


请看《中国日报》相关报道:Shanghai has created the Shanghai Renewable Energy Regulations to boost the development of renewable energy and optimize the energy structure during the 11th Five-Year Program period.During the period, Shanghai plans to increase wind power to 200,000 or 300,000 kilowatts (kW) and photovoltaic (PV) power to seven to ten megawatts (MW); construct ten solar energy buildings yearly, develop solar water heater technology, and build garbage power-generating projects.

报道中,“可再生能源”相应的英文表达是“renewable energy”,renewable在这里指自然生态循环的“可再生”,如“renewable resource”(可再生资源)。


由“to renew the library books”(续借图书)可得“renewable books”(可续借的书籍);“renewable subscriptions”(可续订的杂志)。

由“to renew a contract”(续签合同)可得“a one-year renewable contract”(为期一年可续订的合同)。

由“to renewed the antique furniture”(修复老式家具)可得“renewable parts”(可更新的零件)。


最近的期货市场,国内玉米期货涨至阶段性高点。原因嘛,“生物燃料”新概念 —— 用粮食加工酒精替代石油能源 —— 深入人心。

请看《中国日报》相关报道:For the first time in China's history, grain prices are rising not due to a poor harvest or increasing demand but because of soaring international oil prices.To feed the nation's increasing appetite for energy, a huge amount of capital including from overseas is chasing corn, soy and wheat for biofuel production; and pushing up prices to record highs.




馏出燃料 Distillate fuel



Crude oil prices ended above 53 dollars a barrel Wednesday after a US government report showed a drop in heating fuel stockpiles.On the New York Mercantile Exchange, oil futures for April delivery rose 1.37 dollars to end at 53.05 dollars per barrel. On London's International Petroleum Exchange, the April Brent crude-oil futures contract climbed 1.11 dollars to settle at 51.22 dollars a barrel.On Wednesday, a US government report showed that inventories of distillate fuel, a category that include heating oil and diesel, fell 1.7 million barrels to 110 million. Analysts had expected a 1.2-million-barrel decline.

Distillate fuel表示“馏出燃料”,如民用燃料油和柴油。Distillate有“蒸馏液;馏出物;浓缩物;精华”等含义,例如:the distillate of wisdom(智慧的结晶);fuel oil distillate(燃料油馏出物)light oil distillate(轻油馏分)。




"I would choose to use solar film to power air-conditioners in the Bird's Nest instead of the current ground-source heat pump," said Ding Gao, an engineer of the landmark building.


文中的ground-source heat就是指“地热”,而ground-source heat pump则是指“地热井”。顾名思义,ground-source heat就是地壳内部的温度产生的热量。地球从地表以下平均每下降100米,温度就升高3℃,由此产生的ground-source heat可以用来发电,供暖,或建hot spring(温泉)。

为实现low-carbon economy(低碳经济)和circular economy(循环经济),最终实现sustainable development(可持续发展),我国目前大力发展green technology(绿色科技)和environment-friendly technology(环保技术),减低carbon dioxide emission(二氧化碳排放量),提高bio-energy(生物能源)和nuclear power(核能)所占比例,并打造更多的eco-city(生态城市)。

液化天然气 liquefied natural gas



Australia and China struck their biggest trade deal ever yesterday as the world's two most valuable listed oil companies, ExxonMobil and PetroChina, agreed a $41-billion liquefied natural gas deal.


在上面的报道中,liquefied natural gas就是“液化天然气”,简称LNG,被公认是地球上最干净的能源,无色、无味、无毒且无腐蚀性。我们以前用的“煤气”是coal gas或gas,“液化石油气”则是liquefied petroleum gas(LPG)。

Liquefy一词是liquid(液体)的动词形式,意思是“(使)液化,(使)溶解” 。

例如: Victims die of shock or liver failure within days; often their insides liquefy.


可燃冰 flammable ice



Gas hydrate, also called "flammable ice," is almost pure methane mixed with water turned to ice by low temperatures and high pressures in permafrost or under the sea. Gas hydrates exist in vast quantities around the world but so far isn't producible as an energy resource.


在上面的报道中,flammable ice就是指“可燃冰”,flammable ice是水和天然气在高压、低温条件下混合而成的一种固态物质,具有使用方便、燃烧值高、清洁无污染等特点,是公认的地球上尚未开发的最大新型能源,被称为“沉睡的未来能源”。

Flammable ice是一种new energy(新能源)以及clean energy(清洁能源)。为了解决能源问题,各国积极开发各种alternative energy(可替代能源)和renewable energy(可再生能源),例如wind energy(风能)和solar energy(太阳能),由于这类能源具有环保特点,因此也被称为green energy(绿色能源)。

限制和交易 cap-and-trade



Obama's $3.6 trillion budget for the 2010 fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 contains ambitious programs to overhaul the US health care system and initiate new "cap-and-trade" rules to combat global warming.


在上面的报道中,cap-and-trade rules指的就是“总量管制和交易”规则。所谓“总量管制和交易”,是指在限制温室气体排放总量的基础上,通过买卖行政许可的方式来进行排放。具体来说,就是美国等发达国家对于空气品质未达标准的污染源(这些污染源多分布在发展中国家),依照其空气品质改善目标配给“容许排放权”,并规范其逐年应削减的排放量比例、达成的目标年及最终容许排放权。各污染源取得容许排放权后,即能于开放性市场中自由进行交易买卖。这一机制为《京都议定书》首创,旨在通过对排放权的限制来减少碳排放量。

Cap这个词我们最熟悉的意思是“帽子”,而在cap-and-trade这个表达当中,cap表示the upper limit on what is allowed,即“(允许的)上限”,比如,“薪水上限”pay cap,“价格上限”price cap等。上面报道中提到的“限制温室气体排放总量”也就是to cap the emission of greenhouse gases或者greenhouse gas emission cap。

自然保护区 nature reserve



The hikers were expected to arrive at the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center of the Wolong nature reserve August 25.


在上面的报道中,nature reserve就是“自然保护区”。其中reserve是“保护区、专用地、禁猎区”的意思。例如:a game reserve(禁猎区);wild reserve(野生动物保护区)。

此外,reserve还有“储备、储备金”的意思。如:grain reserves(储备粮);gold reserves(黄金储备);keep a great reserve of food(储备大量食品)。在体育比赛中,我们也可以接触到这个词,如:He is first reserve for Liverpool.(他是利物浦队的第一号替补队员。)

除此之外,reserve还可以用来形容一个人言语、行动上的拘谨、沉默寡言,例如:mistake one’s reserve for haughtiness(把某人的沉默寡言误认为高傲)。在刚刚接触一个人的时候,我们或多或少会有一些保留(with some reserve),但是随着聊天的深入,我们会说着说着变得随和起来(lose our reserve in talking),如果聊得投机、一见如故的话,可能还会share things without reserve。

生态旅游 ecotourism



Though there are no exact figures for the ecotourism segment, a government-sponsored push for rural tourism -- usually involving staying with farmers -- has become popular in China in recent years.


上面的报道中,ecotourism就是近几年经常被提及的一种旅游形式“生态旅游”,其实就是ecological和tourism两个词结合而成的,类似的用法还有eco city(生态城市),eco-farming(生态农业)等。另外,这里还提到了rural tourism“乡村旅游”,算是ecotourism的一个初步形式吧。其他常见的旅游形式还有:package tour(背包游),DIY tour(自助游),group/organized tour(团体游),medical tour(医疗旅游)等。

全面禁烟 carpet smoking ban



Beijing restaurants, bars and Internet cafes have been exempted from a proposed smoking ban at public venues in response to concerns expressed by business owners.Lawmakers and health experts said the difficulty in introducing a carpet smoking ban underlines the grave challenges faced in a country with the highest number of smokers.



该报道中,carpet smoking ban 就是“全面禁烟令”的意思。Carpet原本的意思是“地毯,毛毯;铺以地毯,铺盖”,在这里则是一个引申的用法,表示covering completely, as if with a carpet,也就是“地毯式的,全面的”意思,比如:carpet bombing(地毯式/全面轰炸)。exempt from 是“免除,豁免”的意思,be exempted from a smoking ban则是“免受禁烟令的限制”。

再生水 recycled water



"In 2006, we recycled 46 percent of the treated water and the commitment on water treatment will be surpassed this year after a 10 billion yuan ($1.34 billion) investment in the city's sewerage system over the last decade," Wang Hongchen, chief engineer of the Beijing Drainage Group, told a news conference at the Qinghe plant.


再生水为 “recycled/ treated water”; 污水处理为“sewage treatment”,水回收装置为“water reclamation plant”。

  • collarn. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环 vt. 抓住,为 ...
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • protocoln. 规章制度,草案,协议,外交礼仪
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • settlev. 安顿,解决,定居 n. 有背的长凳
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • categoryn. 种类,类别
  • calculatedadj. 计算出的;适合的;有计划的 v. 计算;估计;