日期:2010-07-27 13:59
Exchange conversion table: 汇兑换算表
Public finance: 国家财政
Freight payable at destination: 运费到付
Fringe benefit: 附加福利. The salary is not bad, and among the fringe benefits are a company car and a rentfree house.
Golden bullet: 一本万利的产品
Greenbacking: 提供资金
Hallmark: (任何商品上的)纯正有知证明
Higher income bracket: 高额收入等级
Hot money: 短期流动资金,游资
Import formalities: 进口手续
Inactive: 滞销的
Income tax evasion: 偷漏所得税
Interest spread: 利息差额
Invitation of foreign capital: 引进外资
Invitation to bid: 招标
Kickback: 回扣
Loan shark: 放高利贷者
Lombard street: 伦敦金融中心
Lull: 暂时呆滞时期 an economic lull, lull in business