Part 1:记忆力好坏由谁决定?
日期:2022-01-28 16:59


1: Why do some people have good memories while others just don’t?

Useful expressions:

genetic 基因的 遗传的

has something to do with heredity 与遗传有关

stay up late 熬夜

sleep deprived 睡眠不足的

have hard time memorizing things 难以记住事情

long-term memory 长期记忆


I think there are several reasons for that. Memories are sometimes thought to be genetic, I mean it has something to do with heredity. If parents have good memories, their children are likely to do so. Sleep also plays an important role in memories. Sleep deprived people are more likely to forget things and have hard time memorizing new words coz long-term memory can only be stored when we are sleeping.

2: Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?

Useful expressions:

time-saving 节约时间的

convenient 方便的

accurate 准确的

storing important information on cellphone in case of forgetting


share and edit the information 分享和编辑信息


Maybe because it’s more convenient and accurate. Since not everyone has a good memory, storing important information on cellphone in case of forgetting could be a wise choice. Besides, we can share and edit the information anytime we want, which is very efficient and time-saving.

3: Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

Useful expressions:

give a presentation 做展示

I hadn’t had such an experience before 我之前从没有过这样的经历

My mind had gone blank 我头脑一篇空白

I totally forgot what I was supposed to say 我完全忘了我该说什么


Yes, it was when I was a senior student in university. At that time, I was about to give a presentation based on my papers about economics. I was so nervous coz I hadn’t had such an experience before. Right before I got started, my mind had gone blank, I totally forgot what I was supposed to say. That could be one of the most awkward experiences I’ve ever had.
