Part 1:你周末都是怎么放松的?
日期:2021-12-24 13:30


1: What do you usually do to relax? / What do you usually do on weekends?

Useful expressions:

go out in nature=spend time outdoors 去户外

get fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气

escape the hustle and bustle of the city 逃离城市喧嚣

take my mind away from work 把注意力从工作上移开

resonate with 与……有共鸣

balance work and life 平衡工作和生活

refill energy 补充能量

catch up on sleep 补觉

declutter my room 清理房间

go for a walk 散步

go to a yoga class 去上瑜伽课


Well, I’ll definitely go out in nature if the weather is good coz I really enjoy the feeling that I can get some fresh air and kind of escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Sometimes, I just stay at home reading books or watching movies that resonate with me. I think it’s a great way to balance work and life.

2: Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?

Useful expressions:

work out 健身

go to gym 去健身

do strength training 做力量训练

do cardio exercise 做有氧练习

reduce the risks of 减少……的风险

cardiovascular diseases 心血管疾病

reduce stress and anxiety 减少压力和焦虑

lose weight 减重

stay in shape 保持身材

improve mood 提升情绪

build confidence 树立信心


Yes, absolutely. Because it not only helps me to be healthier, but also offers me a chance to socialize. I mean, working out regularly can reduce the risks of diabetes, anxiety and cardiovascular diseases which could threaten our life. Whenever I go to gym or take a yoga class, I will make some friends with various professions and backgrounds. I just feel there is nothing better than it to get relaxed.

3: Do you think vacation is a good time to relax?

Useful expressions:

recharge battery 充电

refresh my mind 更新思维

reconnect with 与……重新联系

unplug from work and other day-to-day activities 摆脱工作和日常活动

take a step back from the daily grind 从日常工作中后退一步

keeps us away from our busy and monotonous life 远离忙碌和乏味的生活

take time for myself 给自己留些时间

slow down 慢下来


Yes, for sure. For me, it could be a perfect chance to recharge my batteries and reconnect with my beloved ones. I mean, I can unplug from work and other day-to-day activities, just spend more time with family and friends doing something we like such as having a picnic or barbecue together.

4: Do you think students need more relaxing time?

Useful expressions:

a very packed schedule 非常满的日程安排

attend after-class programs 参加课外补习

better academic performance 更好的成绩

stand out in such a fierce competition 从激烈的竞争中脱颖而出

drive them crazy 让他们抓狂


I think so. Most students in our country have unimaginably huge pressure from both parents and schools. I mean they have a very packed schedule and need to study for at least 10 hours per day, not to mention some of them attend after-class programs on weekends. This just makes students stressed out and kind of drives them crazy. So I think they do need to take a break and refill energy before they get back to study.
