Part 1:宠物与动物
日期:2022-01-26 16:59


1: What’s your favorite animal? Why?

Useful expressions:

dog person 爱狗人士

cat person 爱猫人士

They are more of family members 它们更像是家庭成员

loyal 忠诚的

Considerable 贴心的

stay with me whatever happens 不论发生什么都陪着我


That must be dogs. I’m definitely a dog person. For me, dogs are more of family members that give us a lot of support and love whenever we need. And they are super loyal and considerable, they know how we feel and what we are thinking even without knowing our languages. Whatever happens, I know they will stay with me.

2: What is the most popular animal in your country?

Useful expressions:

rare animals 珍稀动物

Wolong Giant Panda Protection Center 卧龙大熊猫保护中心

trained panda babysitters 接受过培训的熊猫保姆

share in their joy and sorrow 分担它们的欢乐和悲伤


That would be pandas for sure. They are one of the most famous rare animals around the globe. Most of them are now taken good care of at the Wolong Giant Panda Protection Center in southwestern China where many trained panda babysitters feed them, play with them and share in their joy and sorrow everyday, which also makes panda babysitter a popular job pursued by many people.

3: Where do you prefer to keep your pet? Indoors or outdoors?

Useful expressions:

spend most time with it 花大部分时间和它在一起

makes me feel kind of lonely and sad让我感到有点孤单和沮丧

worry about it for being outside 担心它待在外面


Personally, I’d like to keep my pet indoors. Simply because I want to spend most time with it, and not having it around me makes me feel kind of lonely and sad. Besides, I may worry about it for being outside if the weather is too cold, or if it’s raining or snowing. So I think the best choice for me is just keeping my lovely dog indoors.
