Part 1:你用过哪些好用的软件?
日期:2022-01-03 14:06


1: What apps have you recently used?

Useful expressions:

productivity app 效率类应用

keep track of my personal goals 追踪个人目标

better manage time and improve working efficiency



The app I used quite often recently is a productivity app called Todoist. It does me a great favor for keeping track of my personal goals and reminding me to focus on what I am supposed to do every day. With its help, I can better manage time and improve my working efficiency.

2: What kinds of apps are you usually interested in?

Useful expressions:

social media app 社交应用

connect me to people with similar interests 把我和有相似兴趣的人联系到一起

update me on the latest news and trend 让我了解到最新的新闻和趋势


That’s definitely gonna be social media apps like Wechat and Weibo which are commonly used in China. What I love about them is that they not only connect me to people with similar interests, but also update me on the latest news and trend. I have to say they have been something that I can’t live without.

3: What kinds of apps would you like to use in the future?

Useful expressions:

educational app 教育类应用

knowledge-based society 以知识为基础的社会

gain some technical skills 获得一些技术技能

learn how to code from scratch 从零开始学编程

it’s well worth trying 这值得一试


I would like to download some educational apps. Living in such knowledge-based society, we need to keep learning and improving ourselves to be able to keep up with the development of society. I just found an app where I can learn how to code from scratch and practice for free, it’s well worth trying. Maybe I can gain some technical skills to get a new job with its help.
