日期:2016-12-06 05:12


Unrealistic -- vacuum The Growth Company The Growth Company was unsurpassed in its rate of developing new vacant land.

快发公司在开发新空地的速度 方面快发公司是 无人能比的.

They were unyielding in their bargaining tactics, Winning every bidding contest to purchase unused land.

他们的讲价策略是 坚定不移, 结果每次购买闲置 土地都能中标.

Soon the state of Minnesota was under the control of one realty company. Utility companies caved in to their demands,

很快整个明尼苏达州 就被一家房地产 公司控制了.公用事业公司要屈服 于他们的要求,

The transportation department made roads where they were told, And politicians were unable to fill the vacuum in political power

交通部门在哪儿修路 要听他们的, 政客们对填补政治权力 的真空无能为力,

That had been usurped. When the governor returned from his vacation in Bermuda,

只能眼睁睁地看着 权力被夺走.州长从百慕大度假 回来的时候,

He made unrealistic demands To stop urbanizing the landscape and return the land to the people.

他提出了一些 不切实际的要求, 如停止自然景观的城市 化把土地还给老百姓.

This inspired the public and a period of unrest began In which the police could barely uphold the law.

这鼓舞了公众, 引起了一个时期 的社会动荡, 在此期间, 警方几乎 无法维护法律.

Citizens began to attack the company, urging others to do so as well. Everyone was upset

市民们开始向公司发起 进攻, 他们还力劝 其他人也这样做.每个人都很烦那家公司

And willing to participate to the utmost of his or her abilities. It was utterly amazing!

都想尽自己最大 能力参加.这太令人吃惊了!

Hourly updates directed people where to go, Vacancies were quickly filled before the Growth Company could bid,

每小时的最新报道是 人们的行动指南, 快发公司还没来得及报 价空地就迅速被占用了

And reporters finally began to speak against their own parent company, the Growth Company. Every means possible was utilized to put pressure on the behemoth!

最后, 记者们也开始说 自己的母公司 --快发公司的坏话了.人们利用一切可能的 办法给这家大公司 施加压力!

Such focused utilization of the power of people had rarely been seen. They succeeded.

如此集中地利用老百姓 的力量历史上实属罕见他们成功了.

The Growth Company agreed to sell land back at bargain rates, And the tension of the public began to unwind.

快发公司同意以低廉的 价格将土地退还给老百 姓, 公众的紧张情绪 开始有所缓解.

The governor was re-elected for an unprecedented third term, And the countryside remained natural.

州长获得了第三届任期 这是史无前例的.乡村保持了它的 自然风光.

Other states noticed the controversy And enacted laws limiting the amount of land one company could own.

其他州注意到 了这场争端, 通过立法对一家公司 能够拥有的土地数量 进行了限制.

The Growth Company filed for bankruptcy one month later.

一个月后, 快发公司申请破产.

  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • unyieldingadj. 不屈的;坚强的;不易弯曲的
  • participatevt. 分享 vi. 参加,参与
  • contestn. 竞赛,比赛 vt. 竞赛,争取 vi. 奋斗
  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • bankruptcyn. 破产
  • upsetadj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的 v. 推翻,翻倒,扰乱
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • vacantadj. 空的,空虚的,木然的
  • unwindv. 展开,松开