胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第35课:A culinary conversation 烹饪对话
日期:2016-07-11 15:39



critic-curative A culinary conversation


"This dish also has curative properties!"


Said the renowned culinary expert, Dr.Jane Woolwin,

著名烹饪专家 简·伍尔文博士说,

"It is the crowning achievement of my recent cruise through the Hawaiian Islands."

"这是我最近漫游夏威 夷群岛的最高成就!"

"Mmmm.It's fabulous. Now it's critical that you give me the recipe."

"嗯,太棒了.关键是 你把食谱给我."

Said the food critic evaluating the meal.

正在给菜打分的食品 评论家说.

"No sir.


I know you're on a crusade to expose the secrets of fine cuisine.

我知道你正在参加一项 揭示美食烹饪秘密的运 动,

And you're quite cunning.


But this recipe is staying in my head.


You are one culprit who I know I can't trust.

我知道你是个惹事生非 的人,我可不能相信你

Oh,and don't forget to add this spice cube to the soup."

哦,别忘了把这个香料 块放进汤里."

Replied Dr.Woolwin with a smile.


"But I have worked so hard on cultivating our relationship!

"可是我一直很努力培 养我们之间的关系呀!

Can't you tell me what it is here?

你就不能告诉我这是 什么东西吗?

I thought we were at a crossroads and beyond all that worry about secrets,

我想我们正处于一个十 字路口,不用担心什么 秘密啊、

reports and all of that!Don't be so cumbersome!"

报道啊之类的, 别这么麻烦!"

"Well I'm beyond those reports.

"噢,我可不担心那 些报道.

But I looked in my crystal ball yesterday and you are not!"

可我昨天看了看我的水 晶球,你可不是这么回 事!"

"Okay,okay.But this crust is wonderful.

"好吧,好吧.这层皮 可真棒,

And I like your beautiful crockery, Where did you pick this up?"

我喜欢你那漂亮的陶器 从哪儿搞来的?"

"In the Hawaiian Islands,like I just said.

"夏威夷群岛,正如我 刚才所说.

But my trip culminated on Oahu Island,

但我的旅行在瓦胡岛 达到高潮,

so maybe you can go there


if it is so crucial that you have the same crockery.

如果拥有同样的陶器 对你是那么重要的话.

"Fine.I'll take your cue and visit Hawaii.

"很好,我会接受你的 提示去夏威夷.

Thanks again anyhow for the good food.

无论如何我要再次谢谢 你的美食.

I'll be sure to write a favorable report about your cooking."

我一定会就你的烹调写 一篇对你有利的报道.

Said the critic as he began to leave.


"See,I said you were still reporting."

"瞧,我说过你还是 在写报道."

"I never disagreed, my darling.I never disagreed."

"我没有持过反对意见, 亲爱的.我可从没持过 反对意见."

  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • favorableadj. 有利的,赞许的,良好的,顺利的,偏袒的
  • renownedadj. 有名的,有声誉的
  • achievementn. 成就,成绩,完成,达到
  • exposevt. 揭露,使暴露,使曝光,使面临
  • cuen. 暗示,提示,信号 vt. 给 ... 提示,把 .
  • crockeryn. 陶器,瓦器
  • crystaln. 水晶,晶体 adj. 晶体的,透明的
  • cumbersomeadj. 笨重的
  • recipen. 食谱,秘诀,药方