日期:2016-11-27 05:12


Treaty -- truce The travelers The troupe had triumphed in many locales.

流浪者这伙流氓在很多地方都 取得了成功.

Always arriving like a mist over the swamp, They would sweep down tributaries in their boats to the next town.

他们总是像沼泽地上的 雾一样来到一个地方, 然后很快又坐船顺着支 流去了下一个城镇.

There they would trespass and set up camp. If the situation became tricky,

他们会非法闯入 并搭起帐篷.如果形势不妙,

And some trigger-happy landowner threatened them they would first try to form a treaty. If that failed, they would strike a truce to buy more time.

碰到某个喜欢扣扳机的 地主威胁他们, 他们便 会首先试着签署一个协 议.如果这招不灵, 他们 就会争取休战以赢得 更多的时间.

Then they would fight dirty And have a relation- ship with the daughter of some important local official.

接下来他们就会使阴招和当地要人的女儿 发生关系.

That often worked. They had only gone to trial once, and that was over a trivial matter.

这种做法常常奏效.只有一次他们因为一件 小事受到了审讯.

But even when they won the right to settle in an area, They would only stay for a short time--

但即使他们获得了 某个地区的定居权, 他们呆的时间 也不会太长--

It was the thrill of the fight and the fighting in the trenches that they loved. They would always move on to another town.

他们喜欢的是打架带来 的刺激以及在战壕里 打仗的感觉.他们总是要搬到 另外一个镇子上.

Sometimes they would lose people. The largest tremor to their tribe had occurred when Giacamo,

有时他们也会 失去一些人.他们这伙人经历的 最激动的事情是

Their best dancer, fell in love with the daughter of a mayor. That was during several seasons when they were passing through a tropical region.

他们最好的跳舞者 吉亚卡莫爱上了 一个市长的女儿, 这件事发生在他们 穿过热带地区的 那几个季节里.

Maybe that was the true reason he left--a love for the tropics. His departure had tremendous repercussions, however,

或许他离开的真实理由 是他喜欢热带地区.然而, 他的离去造成 了巨大影响,

And even started a trend for young men to leave. After the number of departures had tripled,

年轻人离开甚至开始 成为一种时尚.离去的人数增加到 三倍之后,

The elders halted the trend, Left the area that they designated as the triangle of leaving

长者们控制了这种趋势他们离开了这个有 开溜三角地 之称的地方

Because of the three rivers in the area, and moved into a temperate region. Then they forbid the tact of forming relationships with locals.

之所以叫这个名字 是由于这里有三条河, 去了一个温带地区. 自那以后,他们就禁止 使用与当地人建立 关系这样的手腕.

It was a tough period, Men became trim because of a lack of food,

那段日子可真苦, 男人们由于缺少食物 变得苗条起来,

But they recovered and soon recouped to their original size. The tradition continued of moving from one town to the other,

但他们很快又恢复了 原来的体形.从一个地方搬到另一个 地方的传统继续着,

Seeking excitement, turmoil and triumph.

他们寻求刺激、滋事捣 乱并且大获全胜.

  • turmoiln. 骚动,混乱
  • departuren. 离开,出发,分歧
  • treatyn. 条约,协定
  • trivialadj. 琐碎的,不重要的
  • originaladj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的 n. 原件
  • striken. 罢工,打击,殴打 v. 打,撞,罢工,划燃
  • swampn. 沼泽,湿地 v. 淹没,陷于沼泽
  • mistn. 雾,迷蒙,朦胧不清 vt. 使 ... 模糊,蒙上
  • trianglen. 三角(形)
  • trimn. 整齐,装饰,修剪下来的部分 adj. 整洁的,匀称