胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第19课:A caption to love给爱加个说明
日期:2016-06-19 10:27



A caption to love


When the caravan captain captured Lucy he had no idea

车队队长俘虏露西的时 候他可不知道这

that she would soon become the top candidate to be his wife.

位姑娘很快会成为队长 妻子的最佳人选.

She was the casualty of a small battle over cargo

他为货物的事与别人发 生了一场小小的冲突 露西则是当时的受害者

that he had had at the last town.


He had killed those who had fought with him.


carving them up into little pieces


to be fed to the carnivores that always followed his train.

喂了那些总是跟在他们 火车后面的食肉动物.

Casting his eyes to the horizon he had seen them coming already.

放眼向地平线望去. 他看到他们已经来了.

When he looked back he noticed


the former grocery store cashier hiding behind a pile of canes.

杂货店原来那个收银员 躲在一堆藤条后面.

He pulled out his canteen to offer her water.


when she came out to accept he grabbed her.

她出来接水壶时却 被他一把抓住.

She had been his captive ever since.

从那以后露西就成 了他的俘虏.

As they rode away he watched the animals eat the meat of the dead.

骑马离开时.他看到食 肉动物正在吃死者身上 的肉.

Some.in their hunger for meat.even cannibalized some of their own.

由于太想吃肉了.有些 动物甚至吃掉了一些自 己的同类.

They were capable of anything.the captain thought.just as I am.

它们可真是无所不能. 队长心想.就像我一样

He catalogued this thought in his head

他把这个想法记在了 脑子里.

like an entry in a capsule to be viewed at another time.

就像是一条以后再看 的要点.

The caption he placed in his head under this thought was.

他在脑子里给这个想 法写下的说明是:

'animals with unlimited capacity'.


Then he looked at Lucy.


She was beautiful


and over the last several weeks of traveling across the desert

经过过去几个星期 的沙漠旅行.

he saw that she had a truly carefree spirit.

他发现她真的是无忧 无虑.

This attracted him and he canceled his ownership of her to make him his wife.

这一点儿吸引了他. 于是他取消了自己对她 的主人身份.娶她为妻

Lucy loved him in return.


The captain's caption for Lucy was "capacity to forgive and love her captor"

队长对露西的说明是 "宽恕及热爱俘获者 的能力".

It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

一段美满的姻缘 从此开始了.

  • captionn. 说明文字 v. 给(图片、照片等)加说明文字
  • carefreeadj. 无忧无虑的,不负责的
  • ownershipn. 所有权
  • carvev. 雕刻,切割
  • capacityn. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位 adj. (达到最
  • capsulen. 荚膜,胶囊,简缩,太空舱 vt. 装入胶囊,简缩,
  • entryn. 进入,入口,登记,条目
  • cargon. 货物,船货
  • cashiern. 出纳员,收银员 vt. 解职,丢弃
  • castv. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目