胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第18课:To Catherine游泳去吧
日期:2016-06-18 10:27



To Catherine!


The bungalow at the edge of campus near the lake


was not like the burrow Mrs.Catherine had lived in previously.

与凯瑟琳夫人以前的住 处是不一样的.

Sure the bureaucracy had taken long enough to finally allow her to in.

当然.官僚们用了很久 才终于允许她入住.

and she had had to campaign quite hard.


It was a quiet location far from the highway bypass.

这幢房子地处幽静之处 远离公路支路.

close to the cafeteria


and of better caliber than all of the other bungalows.

而且质量比所有其 他房子要好.

She imagined that she could be happy here.

她想自己会在这里住得 很开心.

at least for as long as she could avoid any calamity

至少住到她能躲避丛林 大火之类的灾难.

like the hushfire that had chased her from her last home.

上一回搬家就是因为 一场丛林大火.

She had never calculated that a move would be so exhausting

她从未估计到搬家 会这么累人.

and she collapsed in her bed.


As she looked out of the window


she saw a buoy in the water that she had never seen before.

看到湖面上漂着一个以 前从没见过的救生圈.

Suddenly a bunch of young children burst past her window

突然.一群小孩冲过 她的窗口.

buzzing with excitement.

一边还兴奋地嘁嘁 喳喳说着话.

They stripped off their clothing


and jumped in the water to swim around the buoy she had just noticed.

跳进水中.围着她先前 注意到的那个救生圈游 起泳来.

Soon her beautiful lawn resembled an abandoned campsite

不一会儿.她那漂亮的 草坪就像是一个

with cans thrown everywhere.

到处扔满饮料罐、 被遗弃了的营地.

She looked up at the calendar and moaned: it was Spring Break.

她抬头一看日历. 悲叹道:原来学 生放春假了.

As she looked at the buoyant children on the water.

在她看着水上快乐的 孩子们的时候.

the crowd in her lawn burgeoned into a regular party.

她家草坪上的人群已经 迅速发展成了一个标准 聚会.

She had never taken into her calculations that other people

她可从来没估计到其他 人

might like the peacefulness of her new bungalow at all.

也有可能喜欢她这所新 居的宁静.

But she decided to play along.got her swimsuit on.

但她还是决定和他们一 起玩.她换上泳装.

and went out and joined the party.


Soon guests and new friends were going in and out of her home

很快客人们和新朋友们 就在她家进进出出了.

and Mrs.Catherine was happier than ever.

凯瑟琳太太还从来没 有这样高兴过.

A by-product of her good sportsmanship and friendliness

她具有良好的运动员素 质而且为人友善.这给 她带来了一个意外的结 果.

was that her name became the buzzword for swimming at this location.

那就是她的名字在那儿 成了代替"游泳"的时髦 词儿.

  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • sportsmanshipn. 体育精神,运动员精神
  • calendarn. 日历,月历,日程表 vt. 把 ... 列入日程表
  • calamityn. 灾难,不幸事件
  • bureaucracyn. 官僚制度,官僚主义
  • burstn. 破裂,阵,爆发 v. 爆裂,迸发
  • bypassvt. 绕开,忽视 n. 支路,旁道
  • buoyn. 浮标,浮筒,救生圈,救生衣 v. 使浮起,支持,鼓
  • lawnn. 草地,草坪 n. 上等细麻布
  • previouslyadv. 先前,在此之前