日期:2016-11-28 15:12


Trunk -- uncanny Give me some of that It was uncanny:


After washing her body from a typical tube of soap, Mary Anne became ubiquitous She was suddenly everywhere at once.

用一管特殊的肥皂 洗过澡之后, 玛丽.安 就变得无处不在啦.她突然就可以立刻 出现在任何地方.

She could help her friend carry trunks while they moved. She could attend every language tutorial.

朋友搬箱子的时候, 她可以帮忙, 她可以参加每堂 语言辅导课,

And she never had to be absent from the turnout at an office event. Her tumultuous life was over.

办公室搞活动她 说出来就能出来, 从来都不必缺席.从前吵闹的生活结束了

Now she had time for everything, because she could be everywhere. Her friends hardly noticed,

现在她有时间做所 有的事情, 因为她 可以无处不在.朋友们几乎没有察觉,

But they were glad that she now had so much time for them. When she ultimately connected her ubiquity with the tube of soap,

但他们很高兴, 因为 她现在有那么多的 时间和他们在一起.当她终于把她无所不在 的能力和那管肥皂 联系起来的时候,

She tried something new;she ate some of the soap. Now she could speak any language like a native--she didn't even need a tutor.

她做了一次新的尝试: 她吃了一些肥皂.现在她可以像本地人一 样讲任何语言--她甚至 不需要辅导老师.

She could walk through buildings. And her typically never-ending hunger for food disappeared.

她可以穿过建筑物.从前她通常饿得老想吃 东西, 现在这种饥饿感 消失了.

She became thin! This caught everyone's attention. When her face finally began to twist and twitch uncontrollably,

她变苗条了, 这引起了大家的注意.最后她的脸变了形, 还控制不住地抽搐,

It was unanimous among her friends that something weird was happening. They worked with their unanimity

这时候她的朋友们一致 认为她的身上 发生了怪事.他们一致同意

And tricked Mary Anne over to one of her friend's house. Once there, they caught her,

把玛丽.安骗到 一个朋友家.她一到, 他们就 把她抓住了,

Threw water over her to clean her and held her in place. It was quite a turbulent evening,

他们往她身上泼水, 给她清洗并把她 固定在一个地方.这一晚上可真够乱的,

But at the end of the turmoil, After a high turnover of worn-out friends

可是乱到最后, 经过筋疲力竭的朋友们 的高调整率

And well into the twilight of the next day, They had finally found out her secret.

并且一直折腾到 第二天黎明, 他们终于发现了 她的秘密.

They all raced to the tube and wiped it on their own bodies! No one cared about the nervous twitch that each acquired after weeks of use.

他们都跑到那管肥皂 面前, 往自己身上 擦肥皂!用了几个星期之后, 每个人都得了 神经抽搐症,

At least not until their bodies began to melt away. In the end, only the tube of soap was left, waiting for someone else to use it...

可谁都没有在意, 至少在他们的身体 开始融化之前没有在意最后只剩下了那管肥皂 等待着其他人来使用 ......

  • tutorn. 家庭教师,导师 v. 当家庭教师,当导师,指导
  • unanimityn. 无异议,同意,全体一致
  • turbulentadj. 狂暴的,骚动的,动荡的,汹涌的
  • typicaladj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的
  • turmoiln. 骚动,混乱
  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧
  • ubiquitousadj. 到处存在的,遍在的
  • meltvi. 融化,熔化,消散 vt. 使融化,使熔化,使消散
  • ultimatelyadv. 最后,最终
  • trunkn. 树干,躯干,干线, 象鼻,(汽车后部)行李箱 (复