日期:2016-08-28 11:20



glimpse-gratify The gorgeous blonde


The gorgeous blonde made her grand entrance to the delight of all. When she took her first steps from the top of the staircase

看到光彩照人的金发女 郎隆重入场, 大家都非 常高兴。 她从楼梯的最高处走下 来,

and then handed her hand to her gracious host, the glitter on her cheeks reflected the flashes of cameras.

然后把手递给亲切的 主持人, 照相机的闪光灯使她的 脸颊放着光芒。

Her glorious dress produced oohs and ahhs from the women. And the latest gossip about

她的华丽衣裳引起女人 们一片惊叹声。 最近大家都在议论

whom she was seeing was on the lips of everyone. But her heart was made of granite and she didn't care for any one of them.

她的约会对象是谁。 但是她的心是花岗岩做 的, 所以她对谁都不是 那么在乎。

She only wanted to gratify her own desire for attention, grant a few interviews where she would be praised

她只想满足自己引人注 目的欲望, 只同意接受少数几次吹 捧她的采访,

and then return to her room to gorge herself on chocolate. Her only goal was to give the public

然后回房大吃巧克力。 她惟一的目的是让公众

enough of a glimpse of her to leave her alone for months. No one grasped this but her sister, the brunette.

好好地看她一眼, 然后让她享几个月的 清闲。 无人理解这一点, 除了 她妹妹--一位黑发、 浅黑皮肤的姑娘。

She governed every aspect of the blonde's life, including her global public relations campaign,

这位妹妹管理她生活的 各个方面-- 包括她的全球公关活动

the graphic portrayal of her life and even the glossary that her sister used when she spoke.

对她生活的生动描绘, 甚至她说话时使用的 词汇。

It seemed to be a gloomy life for the brunette, but she was the glue that held her sister together.

妹妹的这种生活似乎很 郁闷, 但她的形影不离恰好成 了姐姐的精神支柱。

And the brunette felt no need to grab any attention for herself. She was grateful for her sister's fame

而且妹妹也觉得没必要 吸引别人注意自己。 她很感激姐姐的名声,

because she could be a part of it without it becoming hers. They were both doing exactly what they wanted to do

因为她也可以跟着小有 名气, 而又不必为名声 所累。 姐妹二人正好如愿以偿

and both were happy with who they had become. It was a match made in heaven.

俩人都很满意自己所扮 演的角色。 这对姐妹真是天生的一 对!

  • gluen. 胶,胶水,胶粘物 vt. 粘贴,紧附于
  • graniteadj. 花岗岩 n. 花岗石
  • gorgen. 峡谷,狭窄入口,饱食,咽喉,大量的食物 vt. 暴
  • gratifyv. 使满足,使高兴 v. 酬劳,回报
  • staircasen. 楼梯
  • glossaryn. 字典,辞典 [计算机] 词汇表
  • delightn. 高兴,快乐 v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜
  • portrayaln. 描绘,肖像,画像
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的