日期:2016-11-05 02:08


Second sensible After semifinals


Semifinals were over!


Only one more set of tests to go and then the semester was over and Warrens was free!

只要再经过一组测试, 这个学期就结束了, 华伦司就自由了!

Senior year was coming to a close

大四即将结束, 他很快就要走出校园,

And he would soon be out beginning the next segment of his life.


He was going into the public sector and the secular world of politics!

他要步入公共部门, 进入政治的世俗领域!

A seminar in his second year had convinced him that this was his calling!

大二时一次讨论会让他 相信这就是他的职业!

And he was relieved


That he wasn't going to be an engineer like his sensible parents had recommended.

他那明智的父母曾建议 他做一个工程师,这下 不用听父母的了.

No studying sediment levels or analyzing seeping chemicals

因为他不必研究 沉积水平,不必分析 渗漏的化学物质,

Or secretions from a landfill for him!

也不必研究废物填埋地 的分泌物了!

Walking towards the secretariat office

朝秘书办公室走去的时 候,

He was beginning a plan to get started in politics early;

他开始计划要早点儿 开始自己的政治生涯,

He was going to ask for a secondment to replace the class president.

他要请求将自己 暂时调去取代班长.

Bucky Jones was the class president,

原来的班长叫 巴基.琼斯,

But he had been killed in a car accident the previous week.

上个星期他在一次 车祸中死了.

The fool, he had selfishly insisted on driving his friends home

他可真是个傻瓜,因为 他自私地坚持开车 送他的朋友回家,

Even though they were drunker than he.

尽管他们比他 还要醉得厉害.

Well anyhow, someone had to take his place, and Warrens was willing to be selected

嗨,无论如何, 总得有个人取代他,华 伦司希望自己被选上.

Warrens easily secured the position.

华伦司不费吹灰之力 就获得了这个职位.

No one else had the time or desire to seek the position.

别人没这个时间, 或者没这个追求,

The second section of Warren's college semester was therefore busier than ever!

因此华伦司的大学学期 第二部分时间比 任何时候都忙!

But he turned out to be excellent as a president.

但事实证明他是个 出色的班长.

He helped negotiate a better package for next year's students.

在为下一届学生争取更 好的一揽子利益的谈判 中,他出了不少的力;

He resolved a conflict over how not to segregate students by race or color.

在如何不按种族或肤色 将学生分开的问题上, 他统一了大家的意见;

And he somehow got the dean to approve building a new student center!

他并且还使院长同意建 造一座新的学生中心!

All within a month!

所有这些事都是在 一个月之内搞定的!

He became a political sensation!

他成了政界轰动一时 的人物!
