日期:2016-10-23 16:19


radiation - reation Radiation poisoning


There was no rational explanation for the random deaths of his cattle,

他的牛就这样随随便便 死了,可实在又没有 合理的解释,

the rancher thought as he hauled another dead cow back to the farm.

牧场主想道,这时他正 将另一头死牛拖回农场

But the rate of death had increased


ever since he had taken them to a certain ravine

自从他让牛去过 一个沟壑,

near the edge of their range.


That was when the rancher held a raffle among his workers

这时牧场主在工人中 设了个对奖售物活动,

to see who would go with him to investigate.


Two lucky workers were selected regardless of rank and they set out the next morning.

不论级别高低,两名幸 运的工人被选中了,第 二天一早他们就出发了

After they had traveled for two days across the rangeland

在巨大的牧场上跋涉 了两天之后,

they arrived at the ravine.


The rancher went to a region where the grass was a slightly lighter color

牧场主走到一个草的 颜色较浅的地方,

and ran his hand through the dirt.


His reaction shocked the workers.

他的反应让两名工人 大为吃惊。

He yelled and jumped up, holding his raw hand as the flesh was falling off.

他举着擦破皮的手, 又喊叉跳, 手上的肉还在脱落。

There, just under the grass, the soil was glowing.

就在那草丛下, 土地在发光。

There was no rationale to it, but the land was poisoned with radiation!

这可没法解释,但这片 土地已经受到了辐射。

There was no other way to react but grab the rancher and run.

他们的惟一反应是 揪住牧场主便跑。

The rancher raged in anger and pain as he was carried home.

一路上,他既给气疯了 也给疼死了。

He would never use his hand again.


After returning home and calling the ranking city official,

回到家里,他们请来了 高级市政官员,

a team of government experts swarmed to the rancher's house.

之后一个政府专家小组 涌到了牧场主的家中。

He was sick with a high ratio of radiation poisoning


and he needed radical emergency attention.


He was quickly put on a special raft and sent to a deep-sea facility for treatsent

他很快被抬上了一个 特别的筏子,送往一个 深海机构接受治疗。

When he died, officials tried to rationalize the radiation dump.

他死的时候,官员们 试图为倾倒有辐射 的垃圾自圆其说,

But there was no rationality among the workers


and the government had to arrest them all

政府只好把他们 都抓了起来,

until they agreed to never speak of the event again.

直到他们同意不再提及 此事。

The whole herd of cows was exterminated


and the land was seized by the government and declared off-limits.

政府没收了这片土地, 并宣布此地为禁区。
