胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第23课:After the exam考试之后
日期:2016-06-23 14:00



clarity-coach After the exam


"Oh that was awesome!


There was a moment of clarity when the cloud of confusion cleared

疑云散去后我的头脑出 现了一阵清醒,

and I could classify every part of the body in front of me.

我能对面前的身体的每 个部位进行分类.

I thought I would have no clue about some parts,

我以为有些部位我会 找不到线索,

but your coaching was great


and I'm sure my classifications were correct and I passed the test!"

我敢保证我的分类正确 并且通过了考试!"

Said Mary


as she clutched the coat she had just been given from the cloakroom.

边抓起从衣帽间递出 的外套,

"I was so clumsy a week ago in the clinic.

"一个星期前,我在诊 所里还笨手笨嘲的,

But today everything just clicked.


And I know it's totally cliche to say this,

我知道这么说完全是 陈词滥调,

but my eyes have really been opened because of you."

可你真的使我眼界大 开."

"No problem."Replied Jack proudly.

"没问题,"杰克骄傲地 答道,

"You just had a classic case of pr-test worry.

"你只不过是典型的 考前恐慌而已.

Working with clay dummies always helped me

把黏土做成的假人当 真人来准备考试对我 很有帮助,

and I thought it might help you.

所以我想对你也应 该有所帮助.

I'm glad also


that you climaxed with your preparation right before the test.

你达到了最佳状态 考试前的准备

In the future,just remember that your clients will be real,

将来你一定要记住你 的病人是真人

not made of clay."

而不是黏土做的假 人."

"Hey."Said Mary as she grabbed Jack's arm.

"嗨,"玛丽抓住杰克 的胳膊说,

"I also imagined hearing classical music in my head like you recommended

"我还像你建议的那样 想像自己在听古典音乐

That really put me at peace."

这一招真的让我镇定 了不少."

"That's great.If you passed

"太棒了!你如果通过了 考试,

you will now have clearance to work in real clinical situations.

就能得到许可在真正的 临床环境中工作.

Just cling to the knowledge you have gained and you'll be fine."

紧紧抓住你所掌握的知 识,你肯定会一切顺 利."

Mary smiled and looking into Jack's eyes said, "Thanks again so much.

玛丽笑了,她看着杰克 的眼睛说,"再次感谢 你,

You really helped me.Hey,do you want to get a bite to eat?"

你真的帮了大忙.嘿, 想吃点儿什么吗?"

"I'd love to." Jack replied as Mary slipped her arm in his

"好啊."杰克答道. 玛丽悄悄挽起他的手臂

and they walked happily out of the hospital's side entrance.

俩人高高兴兴地走出 了医院的侧门.

  • clinicaladj. 临床的
  • clayn. 粘土,泥土 n. (人的)肉体
  • confusionn. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态
  • clichen. 陈腔滥调
  • clarityn. 清楚,透明
  • classicn. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家 adj. 第一流的,
  • classifyvt. 分类,归类
  • clingn. 紧抓,紧贴 vi. 粘紧,附着,紧贴
  • coachn. 大巴,教练;(火车)客车车厢,四轮马车,经济舱 v
  • climaxn. 高潮,极点,层进法,[生]顶极群落