Apprentice interview
"Well Jim. you can approach my desk now.
"好了.吉姆.现在你 可以到我的桌子这儿来 了.
I have done an appraisal of your application to be my apprentice.
我已经对你要求作我学 徒的申请做了评估.
and I have a few questions for you.
You don't seem to have any apparent experience
你好像明显没有任何 经验.
in working with large aquatic appliances.
You do know that the aquariums I clean and make
你一定知道我清理和制 造的水族箱
are not for goldfish or restaurant shelves.right?"
不是用来养金鱼或是用 来放在餐厅搁架上的. 对吧?"
"Ummm.You mean you can put minnows in them too?"
"嗯.您是说里面也可 以放些小鱼吗?"
"No.I mean they put sharks. manta rays. whales. and seals in them!
"不.我的意思是里边 放鲨鱼、蝠鲼、鲸鱼 和海豹.
Well.I applaud your effort
对.我对你的努力 表示欢迎.
and appreciate your coming across town for this interview.
but you don't have the experience or aptitude
可是你不具备经验和 才能.
that is usually required for this type of apprenticeship.
这份学徒工作通常要 求的
I just can't approve hiring you."
我实在不能批准雇用 你."
"Thank you sir.
I am very appreciative of your apt assessment of my qualifications.
您对我的资格做出了恰 当的评价.我对此表示 感激.
But I believe you are wrong
and I would like to appeal.uhhh.to you
to give me approval to at least be your apprentice for an approximate test period.
准许我成为您的学徒. 至少让我干大约一个 试用期的时间.
I know I don't know anything about aquariums.
我知道自己对水族箱知 之甚少.
I don't even know an approximate amount of information about them!
甚至连大致了解都算 上!
I come from the desert where arable land is a rare thing.
我来自沙漠地区.那里 可耕种的土地非常稀少
But that's why I came to California. to work with water. sir.
但这正是我来到加州的 原因.要找个和水有关 的工作.先生.
And I know you approve of determination.
我也知道您认可做事有 决心的人.
Well sir.I have that and I hope you will give me a try."
先生.我有决心.希望 您能让我尝试一下."
"Hmmm.Okay Jimmy. I'll take a risk and give you a try.
"嗯.好吧.吉米.我 就冒险让你尝试一下.
I will appoint you for a three-month test period.
任命你干三个月的 试用期.
We'll take a look at how you're doing in three months and go from there."
我们要看看你在这三个 月内干得如何.然后再 做打算."
"Thank you sir! You won't be disappointed!"
"谢谢您.先生. 您不会失望的."