日期:2016-09-06 14:18


idiosyncratic-impair The illustrator


The illustrator ignored the ignorance of his idiosyncratic boss and continued to work on his illustration.

插图画家没有理睬癖好 古怪的老板的无知, 继续画他的插图。

It would be the piece that would immortalize his name forever, perhaps more so because of the immor image he was drawing

这幅插图会使他名垂千 古, 也许正是因为他画的是 不道德的形象, 他会更 加声名远扬。

And he knew he would start a new movement in the art world. Immersing himself in his work,

他知道他将在艺术界发 起一场新的运动。 插图画家沉浸在工作之 中,

the illustrator became immune to distraction and worked for another twelve hours straight.

他不受外界的干扰, 又连续工作了12小时。

His illusions of grandeur came crashing down when the obviously artistically illiterate public

插图画家美好的幻想 破灭了 公众显然不懂艺术,

missed the impact of what he had done. Some couldn't understand the content,

他们看不出他的作品会 有什么影响, 有些人不能理解他 画的内容,

saying that this type of drawing should be illegal. Others sensed that there was something immense

说这种画法是非法的。 其他人感觉到他的画有 点儿绝妙,

but they couldn't put words to what they sensed. And yet others just thought it was immature,

但无法用语言表达他们 的感觉。 还有一些人干脆认为他 的绘画不成熟,

the work of an artist obviously impaired by any good judgment. But, over time, his work had another kind of impact.

任何好评对他的作 品显然都是一种损害。 可是过了一段时间, 他的作品产生了另 外一种影响。

Imitators began to sprout up all over the country, giving shows of works that were obviously influenced by the illustrator.

模仿者开始在全国迅速 出现, 他们展示的作品明显受 到这位插图画家的影响

When the illustrator saw this he thought that the public recognition of his work was imminent.

看到这种情况, 插图画家认为公众即将 认可他的作品,

But he had forgotten about their short attention span. When years had passed and still no one knew his name,

但是他忘了公众的注意 力很容易时过境迁。 许多年过去了, 仍然无 人知道插图画家的名字

the illustrator even began to think that the illiteracy rate among critics must have been growing.

他甚至开始认为 评论家中的文盲率一定 在上升。

How could they not know that he was the one that had turned the ignition

他们怎么能不知道 他就是使眼下燃烧着的

of the current craze for immoral illustrations? They never knew, at least not until after the illustrator had died

时尚转向不道德插图的 那个人呢? 他们从来都不知道, 至 少直到插图画家死的那 一天都不知道。

Then some art student examined his work and gave him the credit he had always longed for.

后来某个搞艺术的学生 研究了他的作品, 给予了他一直渴望获得 的称赞。

That's just the way the art world is: hip, but always recognized a generation later.

艺术界的事情就是这样 很时髦, 但总要到一代人之后才 能得到承认。
