Menace--microcosm A mercenary microbe A quiet meteorologist first noticed the microbe menace.
惟利是图的微生物 一位沉默寡言的气象学 家首先注意到了细菌威 胁。
He was doing research on a new bizarre weather pattern hitting the metropolis when he noticed something strange about the used to measure temperature.
他正在研究一种袭击 大都市的古怪天气 忽然注意到用来测温度 的水银有些奇怪:
It was changing colors. He called his mentor in and began a messy experiment.
水银在变颜色。 他叫来了导师,二人手 忙脚乱地做起了实验,
That eventually showed a micro mercenary bacterium. They quickly set up a microcosm of the surrounding environment.
终于弄明白有一个惟利 是图的微小细菌。 他们很快设置了一个 周围环境的微观世界,
To see the effect of the microbe on animals and plants. It was devastating. They immediately sent a message to the local officials.
以便观察该细菌对动、 植物的影响。 影响是毁灭性的。 他们立刻给地方官员发 送了一条消息。
The officials brought in scientists to conduct more meticulous tests. They examined the metabolism of the microbe.
官员们请来了科学家, 进行了更为严谨的测试 他们研究了这个微生物 的新陈代谢,
Searched for some methodology to destroy it and applied all of their mental capacities to finding a cure.
寻找某种方法来摧毁它 并且绞尽脑汁寻找对策
They found nothing other than incredibly fast metabolic defense mechanisms. One city official asked what this microbe could do to the metropolitan area.
但除了发现它那以惊人 速度新陈代谢的抵抗机 制外,他们一无所获。 一位城市官员问这个 微生物对大城市 会有什么影响,
The most renowned scientist answered in a metaphorical fashion that it could merit the end of the world.
一位最有名的科学家用 隐喻的方式回答 说它的影响应该是 世界末日的来临。
Not wanting to upset the mentality of the public, however, the officials and experts decided to call for.
但是,为了不搅乱 公众的心态, 官员们和科学家 们决定搞一次
A merger of all research fields to conduct more tests. That won't be necessary. The meteorologist said.
所有研究领域的合并, 进行更多的测试。 那倒没有必要, 气象学家说道:
Look at this chart. The microbe came with this weather pattern that I had never seen before.
请看这个图表, 这种微生物出现时的天 气是我从未见到过的,
That pattern is almost over. I would bet my life that this microbe disappears when it is gone.
现在这种天气 几乎要结束了。 我敢拿我的生命打赌 天气一变,这个微生物 也会随之消失。
He was right. And the microbe and weather pattern were never seen again, at least not so far.
果然不出他所料, 后来再也没有看到过那 种微生物和那样的天气 至少到现在还没有看到 过。