胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第52课: Epic fame 大出风头
日期:2016-08-08 15:54



entire-equivalent Epic fame


Andre had been very proud of that entree.

安德烈曾经为正餐前那 道开胃菜颇感自豪.

He had envisioned it as a key element in the success of his new restaurant,

他曾想像它是他新开张 的餐馆获得成功的重要 因素,

his entitlement as a member of the upper class

是他成为上层社会的一 员

and the envy of every chef in town.

并获得相应权利的重要 原因,

When an epidemic plague was blamed on the special enzymes

可是一场流行性瘟疫爆 发了,

he had used in the entree, however,

人们怪安德烈在开胃菜 中使用了特殊的酶,

Andre lost his entrepreneur's license,

于是他不仅失去了他的 主办者执照,

all of his equity and his reputation. But that was only the first episode.

而且还失去了所有的公 正和声望.这还只是第 一个片断而已.

As millions were entombed,an epoch began that affected the entire world.

随着数几百万人被埋葬 一个影响整个世界的时 代开始了.

Andre became known as the entity that changed the planet.

安德烈成了众所周知的 改变了地球的实体.

He was not entitled to stay in any land and hunted from country to country.

他没有权利在任何地方 停留,他被迫得到处流 亡.

His capture soon achieved epic proportions as each nation equipped


Special Forces to find him and bring him to justice.

特种部队捉拿他, 要将他绳之以法.

It was the equivalent of a witch-hunt

对他的追捕因此很快达 到了极大的规模,相当 于一次对行巫者的搜捕

and Andre was eventually caught.


The world never factored into the equation, however,

然而世界从来没有考虑 过这样一个等式,

that Andre was just a simple,nice man

那就是安德烈只不过是 个好人

who had accidentally caused the death of millions.

偶尔造成几百万人死亡 的不起眼的.

The equilibrium of justice was against him


and he was sentenced to death on national television.

他在全国电视上被判处 死刑.

Everyone thought this payment was equitable.

大家都认为这种惩罚是 公正的.

As Andre was about to be executed the world gave a collective gasp

安德烈即将被处死之际 全世界都倒抽了一口气

when having been asked for any last words,Andre said, "I have the cure!"

因为当安德烈被问及有 什么遗言时他说: "我有解药!"

No one had been able to stop the plague


and suddenly the source of misery was also claiming to the the world's savior.

突然之间,罪魁祸首同 时也说自已是救世主.

Andre stepped down from the electric chair and said,

安德烈从电椅上走下 来说:

"You have to have the main course."

