日期:2016-09-01 11:20


herculean-holistic A circus hijacking


Circuses in the hinterland were hilarious. Due to some hereditary miracle in the people who joined the circus,

内地的马戏团非常热闹 由于有些加入马戏团的 人身怀祖传绝技,

hitherto never- attempted feats of daring were always being performed. High-flying stunts were popular.

所以他们经常表演一些 迄今无人尝试过的节目 高空飞行特技表演非常 受欢迎,

Herculean physical feats were the standard. But it was the high tech plan to hijack a real plane

艰难的人体表演只是 普通节目, 而劫持一架从马戏团上 空飞过的真飞机却是一 个高科技计划,

as it flew over the circus that really hinted at something more than heterodox. It was no hit-and- miss plan.

只有它才真正暗示出某 种极其异端的做法。 这可不是一个随意想出 的计划

This hijacking was going to be done by locals hired by the circus announcer and remembered as part of his heritage.

这次劫机行动将由马戏 团报幕员雇用的当地人 完成 并作为他的遗产的一部 分被人铭记。

The hierarchical order of each member of the team was the highlight of the event.

劫机小组的各位成员按 等级排序 是整个事件中最有趣的 部分,

That was because the announcer's son, only 17 years old, was directing men ten to twenty years older than himself.

因为马戏团报幕员的儿 子只有17岁, 却在指挥比自己大10 到20岁的人。

In hindsight, all agreed that this was the obvious reason for the hiccup. The holistic plan was executed brilliantly.

事后想来, 大家一致认 为这显然是使劫机暂时 中断的原因。 整个劫机计划执行得极 为出色。

When the plane was hijacked it flew over the circus and did two aerial loops The passengers had a scare when that happened.

飞机被劫持时, 它正在 马戏团上空飞行, 还在 空中盘旋了两圈。 意外发生时乘客们吓了 一跳。

When one of the hired men broke out of the hierarchy and told the pilot to do it again, however,

但是, 当一位受雇者打 破等级制度, 让飞行员再转圈时,

no one tried to hinder him but the announcer's son. The man yelled out his name and told him to leave him alone.

除了报幕员的儿子之外 没人想阻止他, 于是那人大声喊着报幕 员儿子的名字, 让他别 管他。

When the hijacking was complete and the whole team escaped successfully everyone thought it was a heritage to be proud of.

劫机完成了, 整个小组 都成功地逃离了, 大家都认为这件事值得 自豪。

Unfortunately the police had heard the name of the announcer's son. They attacked the circus like a hive of bees and arrested all involved.

不幸的是, 警察听到了 报幕员儿子的名字, 于是一窝蜂似地突袭了 马戏团, 逮捕了所有涉 案人员。

A hijacking wasn't so hilarious to them!

对他们来说劫机可没 那么好玩!
