胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第41课:A devil's device 魔鬼的玩意儿
日期:2016-07-19 15:39



destroy-devise A devil's device


Tommy deviated from being normal

when he met the devil in a detached house in the woods.

托米在森林里一个独立 式住宅遇见魔鬼后就有 些不正常了.

"Tommy!Come here!


Let me show you something that I have devised especially for you!"

让我给你看看我专门为 你设计的东西!"

The devil said as he detached himself from a black horse.

魔鬼一边离开一匹黑 马一边说.

"Hey, you're the devil!My mom detests you!

"嘿,你是魔鬼! 我妈讨厌你!

She said that you are detrimental to the health of everyone you meet!

她说你见谁就会危害 谁的健康!

She'd be devastated if I listened to you!"

要是我听了你的话她会 气晕的!"

"Well,just take a small detour with me then,eh?" Said the devil,

"那就和我兜个小圈, 行吗?"魔鬼说道,

determined to influence Tommy.


"Look at this little device I have here."

"看看我这儿的这个 小玩艺儿.

Holding up his staff the devil took off the detachable top piece

"魔鬼把他的东西举起 来,拿掉可拆开的顶部

and handed it to Tommy,who had always been as curious as a detective.

把它递给托米,而托米 一直像侦探一样好奇,

"This can change your life."


"How?" Said Tommy,no longer deterred from talking with the devil.

"怎么改变?"托米说, 不再吓得不敢跟魔鬼 说话.

"Can it give me three wishes?"

"它能让我许三个愿 吗?"

"Nonsense!Now be quiet and don't detract me from what I was saying.

"废话!现在请安静, 别使我转移话题.

If you just keep this device you will be rich and famous.

如果你留着这个东西, 你就会又有钱又出名.

Only do not detach the lid or wash it with detergent."

只是不要打开盖子或 用洗涤剂清洗."

And then the devil disappeared.


From that day on Tommy always carried the device with him.

从那天起,托米总是 带着这个玩意儿.

His former politeness disappeared


and he became a renowned deviant.


His mother noticed his deviance, however,

但他母亲注意到了他的 不正常,

and when a conversation with Tommy


quickly deteriorated into a vicious argument,

很快恶化为激烈的 争吵时,

Tommy pulled out the device.She never spoke again.

托米拿出了那个东西, 她就再也不说话了.

Tommy did become rich;he even became famous.

托米的确变得很富有, 他甚至还出了名.

But the device destroyed everything good that he came in contact with.

但那玩意儿毁掉了所有 他接触到的好东西.

And while he knew that it was truly a detriment to his happiness,

虽然他知道那东西真的 会损害他的幸福,

he enjoyed his riches and his fame.

但他还是很喜欢他 的财富和名声.

He could never part with it,taking it with him to the grave !

他再也离不开那玩意儿 他要一直把它带到坟墓 里去!
