胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第43课:Expendable diplomats 可被牺牲的外交官
日期:2016-07-28 15:48



diminish-discretion Expendable diplomats


You know that I have diplomatic immunity!said the Ambassador,

"你知道我有外交豁 免权!"大使说.

"I strongly disapprove of your holding me against my will in this room

"我强烈反对违背我的 意愿把我关在这个房 子里!"

His captor,a man dressed in discreet dark clothing,

俘获他的人穿着不 显眼的黑衣服,

responded with such calm


that it displayed his confidence in his own discipline.


There is nothing special about you, dear,sir.

"亲爱的先生, 你没有什么特殊的.

That is one of my main goals here,to disabuse you of your feelings of grandeur.

我在这儿的主要目的之 一就是消除你的高贵感

"I am nothing!


If you think that you can diminish the role of my country in this city

如果你认为可以通过伤 害我来贬低我国在 本市所起的作用的话,

by harming me then you are wrong!


I am just one discrete unit discharged here for a certain purpose.

我只是由于某种目的被 释放到这儿的一个特别 个体.

When my government notices the discrepancy of my absence,

当我国政府发现我失踪 这样的差异后,

they will discern the potential disaster,and hire a replacement.

他们就会看出潜在的不 幸,从而雇人顶替我.

That is something we are all trained to understand.

这是我们经过训练都 能理解的.

Every diplomat is expendable.

外交官都是可以被牺 牲的,

We can each be discarded at a moment's notice

一接到通知我们每个 人都可以被抛弃,

and our policy will not change.

我们的政策是不会 变的."

"A sick system if you ask me!" Said the captor,

"如果你问我的话,我 会说这种制度有问题!" 俘获他的人说道,

tiring of the discourse


and turning to dip his spoon in to stir a cup of tea.

转身把勺子浸到茶里搅 动起来.

"And one that needs to be discredited.

"而且这种制度需要 怀疑.

Well,do not discount the power of negative press

好了,不要怀疑负面报 道的力量

and death during kidnapping.


When I have disclosed the ransom that I want,


your government will pay it


and even issue me an honorary diploma from Harvard if I so ask for it.

如果我要求,他们甚至 还会给我颁" 发哈佛大 学的荣誉学位证书."

The captor stirred his tea and slowly lifted his head.

俘获者搅了搅茶, 然后慢慢抬起头,

"And they will honor my request for discretion as well.

"而且他们还会尊重我 对于斟酌处理权的要求

I have your wife and daughter in another location!"

我把你的妻子和女儿关 在了另外一个地方!"

At those words the ambassador lost all hope and lowered his head.

听到这些话,大使失去 了所有的希望并低下了 头.
