depict-destitute Not destitute enough
Lola was destitute for now,but she knew her destiny was for better things.
罗拉现在一贫如洗, 但她知道会时来运转.
Many men still found her desirable,
许多男人依然认为她是 一位值得拥有的女人,
despite her frequent problems with depression.
And she knew that she could descend no further than where she was now.
她知道自己不能再走下 坡路了,
Her only destination was up!
她惟一的目标就是奋 发向上!
Depleted of energy, however,
she told herself that she first deserved one more bit of heroin.
她对自己说首先应 该再注射一次海洛因.
So she stood up,
and in one last act of desperation, went over to the derelict house
最后一次绝望地走向一 座破败的房子,
where she knew she could get some drugs.
她知道那儿可以弄到 一些毒品.
When she arrived,she deposited herself in the first room next to the door
到那儿之后,她在门旁 的第一间房子坐下来
and began to design her argument for one last hit.
开始构思怎样说服别人 给她注射最后一次.
When the police deployed to the house to arrest drug dealers burst through the door,
部署在房子周围拘捕毒 品贩子的警察破门而入
she was the first one they designated for arrest.
她是第一个警察指明 要逮捕的人.
In the police holding cell that afternoon
her situation became even more desperate
when her body began shaking uncontrollably.
她的身体开始无法 控制地抖动.
They moved her to a hospital to restore the nutrient depleti -on in her body.
他们把她送往医院 让她恢复体内缺失 了的营养.
Lying in the hospital bed,
Lola listened as the nurse told her
that she could not deprive herself of normal food any longer.
再也不能剥夺自己的 正常食物了.
Her physical descent had gone too far and her health was now critical.
她的身体状况下降得很 厉害,健康已岌岌可危
The nurse depicted her situation to her so strongly
护士把罗拉的健康状况 做了惊心动魄的描述
that Lola finally had the desire to beat her drug addiction and start life over.
终于使她有了战胜毒瘾 重新生活的愿望.
She knew that she had to finally derive wisdom from this experience.
她知道她得最终从这一 经历中汲取智慧.
The next year,
when a beautiful woman walked in to the hospital with a bunch of flowers,
当一名美貌女子手捧 一大束花走进医院时,
the nurse didn't recognize Lola.
But Lola recognized her;
she walked over, hugged the nurse and thanked her for saving her life.
罗拉走过去拥抱护士, 感谢她挽救了自己的生 命.