胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第48课:Daryl the Dwarf 侏儒达里尔来
日期:2016-08-04 15:54



duration-edifice Daryl the Dwarf


Ecotourism was good for Daryl the dwarf.

生态旅游对侏儒达里尔 来说是有好处的.

And while he came from a long dynasty of hill dwellers

达里尔出身于一个历史 悠久的山地居民王朝,

that had traditionally been quite eccentric,

而那些山地居民从传统 上来讲很有些古怪,

he was getting used to frequent visitors.

但他对经常有游客过来 已经慢慢在习惯.

His relatives didn't help much;they suffered from social dysfunction.

亲戚们帮不了多少忙, 因为他们在社交方面 有障碍.

But they were dwindling each year

但他们的人数每年在 减少,

and someone had to find a way to carry on their legacy.

得有人想办法继承他们 的遗产.

Daryl brushed off his dusty jacket and went outside to gather some food.

达里尔掸了掸满是灰尘 的夹克衫,出去找一些 吃的.

The earthbound life required no grocery stores,

靠土地吃饭的生活不需 要杂货店,

only time gathering edible plants and berries.

只需要有时间采集可以 食用的植物和浆果.

It was darker than usual for nighttime, but that was because of the eclipse.

这天晚上比平时更黑, 但那是因为出现了月食

When Daryl heard a small noise,he ducked his head with ease.

达里尔听到了一点儿响 声,他轻松地低下了头

The bat,guided by echolocation,

因为蝙蝠有回声定位的 指引

would never have hit him the echoes would have located Daryl's head.

是不会撞上他的.回声 会定位达里尔头部的位 置,

But he had moved as a reflex.

但他还是本能地动了 一下.

Daryl soon arrived at the edge of the field


where he would gather a unique plant,the Eclipse Flower.

他将在那儿采摘一种独 特的植物--月食花.

This flower only bloomed during the very short duration of an eclipse.

这种花只在月食发生时 那段很短的期间开放.

How that plant survived Daryl didn't know;

这种植物是怎么存活下 来的达里尔并不知道,

it was an edifice of the mystery of nature.

这是神秘大自然精心建 造的东西.

But he did know that, when brewed properly,

但他确实知道, 经过精心酿造

the drink from the flower made one feel quite dynamic.

这种花制作出来的酒会 使人充满活力.

He had learned this during his edification with his grandmother who was now long dead.

这一知识是他早已去世 的祖母教给他的.

Daryl lay down on the ground to wait.


He would have to wait for the right moment,but that was a small price to pay.

他得等待合适的时机, 但那得付出一点小小 的代价.

Dwelling on the earth had many small costs,

生活在地球上需要付出 许多小的代价,

but they were all worth living an earnest life in harmony with nature.

但他们都值得过一种认 真的生活,与大自然和 谐相处.
