胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第38课:Death of a defective company 缺陷公司的死亡
日期:2016-07-14 15:35



decree-degrade Death of a defective company


When the defective equipment sold throughout the country

全国范围内销售的有缺 陷的设备

was shown to have degraded the ground water of a large park,

已经表明造成了一大公 园的地表水水质的退化

there was no option but to deforest the area,

惟一的选择就是砍掉 树林,

burn the land and decree it off limits.

烧了那块地,然后颁布 命令禁止任何人进入.

That was the best defence that would help the company deflect the intense criticism that was coming.

这是帮助公司转移突如 其来的猛烈批评的最佳 保护办法.

It was,in fact,the only defensive position available.

事实上,这是惟一的防 守位置.

Defects in the company's equipment were becoming common

公司设备的缺陷日益 普遍,

and their opponents were becoming deft at providing definitive deductive evidence that the company should be shut down.

对手们越来越善于提供 最可靠的推论证据证明 这家公司应该关闭.

The degradation they were causing was simply too great

他们造成的衰退太 严重了,

and the favor of the public was fading.


At first,the company wanted to defy public opinion, however,

但是,开始的时候公司 想无视公众意见,

and continue to operate.


They renewed an advertisement campaign

他们重新发起一轮广告 攻势,

to show the public their dedication to fixing their deficiencies.

向公众表明他们会一 心一意改正缺点.

They also promised in these ads that they would dedicate even more efforts to environmental protection,

他们还在这些广告中承 诺会对环境保护付出更 多努力,

pay for cleanup and fund environmental education.

出资净化环境并且资助 环境教育.

The public deduced that the ads were the last gasps of a degenerate company

公众推断,这些广告是 一家退化公司的最后喘 息,



and deemed them unbelievable.


They even called the advertisements a joke!

他们甚至称这些广告 是笑话!

That was when the company realized


that it had failed to redefine itself to the public

没有向公众重新解释自 己

and agreed with the consensus


that they should cut their losses and close down.

应该减少损失、关门大 吉.

They defaulted on their loan payments and filed for bankruptcy.

他们拖欠贷款, 申请破产.

It was the end of the company but definitely not the end of the battle.

公司完了,但战斗肯定 还没有结束.

Numerous other companies were still out there,


polluting the environment and selling defective products.

在污染环境和出售有 缺陷的产品.

The battle would be long, but the dedicated few

战斗会旷日持久,但那 些少数具有献身精神的 人

knew that it would be worth it to everyone in the end.

知道对每个人来说此战 最终是值得一打的.

  • dedicatedadj. 专注的,献身的,专用的
  • campaignn. 运动,活动,战役,竞选运动 v. 从事运动,参加竞
  • optionn. 选择权,可选物,优先购买权 v. 给予选择
  • defyvt. 反抗,藐视,挑衅
  • deftadj. 敏捷熟练的,灵巧的
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • bankruptcyn. 破产
  • deflectv. 打歪,使偏,歪
  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • dedicationn. 奉献,献词,献堂礼