胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第50课:An overprotective father 担惊受怕的父亲
日期:2016-08-06 15:54



embark-endeavour An overprotective father


Tom embraced Sally


when he heard that the embryo his wife was carrying was no longer endangered.

听说妻子莎莉体内的胚 胎不再有危险.

They have endeavored for years to have a child.

为了有个孩子,他们努 力了好几年.

And,while empirical, evidence had shown that it was impossible,

尽管来自经验的证据表 明他们不可能有孩子,

they had embarked on a journey to pay any cost to embed an embryo in her womb.

他们还是开始了一段历 程,要不惜一切代价在 她的子宫内植入胚胎.

When they succeeded their emotion was too great to describe.

成功之后,他们激动得 难以形容.

Tom gave Sally a ring that he had embossed to read "Mother",

汤姆送给莎莉一枚戒指 上面"母亲"这几个字是 凸出来的.

he embellished an empty room in preparation for a baby,

他把一间空房装饰了 一番准备给婴儿用,

and he invited all of his eminent friends over for a dinner celebration.

并且还邀请了所有地位 显赫的朋友来参加庆祝 晚宴.

He embodied the happy father.

快乐的父亲在他身 上得到了最好的体现.

When the news of a threat to the embryo arose,

听到胎儿会有危险的 消息,

Tom made sure that Sally enacted

汤姆想尽一切办法确保 莎莉实施

every recommendation of the doctor to protect it.

医生的每一 项保胎建议.

When he heard that automobile emissions might be negatively influencing the womb

他听说机动车的排放物 可能对子宫有害,

he installed protective material in Sally's room.

于是他就在莎莉的房间 里安装了保护材料.

When he thought that encounters with other people


might risk getting sick as well,


the room became the empire of all of her visitors.

莎莉的房间马上就成了 一个帝国,所有探视者 都要敬而远之.

He did several other things that truly constrained Sally to her bedroom.

他还做了其他一些事, 真的使莎莉未离开房 间半步.

Word of a safe embryo now signaled to Sally an emergence from all of Tom's emotive precautions.

胎儿正常的消息表明莎 莉终于熬出了头,不用 再受汤姆过于感情化的 保护了

She felt empowered and Tom agreed that she could have more freedom.

她感觉自己得到了许可 汤姆也同意她可以有更 多的自由,

He would no longer encompass every area of her life.

他将不再把她包围得 死死的.

He was just glad the baby was okay.


When Sally gave birth to a baby girl two months later,

两个月后莎莉生了个女 儿,

she hugged Tom and thanked him for all of his craziness.

她拥抱汤姆,感谢他所 有的疯狂举动.

Now they finally had a child.

