胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第36课:A cow on a road 路上的牛
日期:2016-07-12 15:35



curb-dazzle A cow on a road


It was just after dawn


when people are opening their curtains to let the light in .

人们正打开窗帘让 阳光照进来.

when the dairy cow accidentally walked onto the road.

奶牛偶然走上大路的时 候,

The strange black pavement dazzled him

奇怪的黑色人行道很耀 眼,

so much that he was curious to step off of the curb onto the street.

它好奇地走下路缘, 到了街上.

A man on a cycle drove by with a damning look,but he didn't stop.

一个骑自行车的人带着 咒骂的表情经过这里, 但他没有停下来.

Then a cute girl with a backpack filled with teaching curriculum

然后一个漂亮的女孩背 着装满课本的书包

came around the curve.


Now customarily she never stopped for anyone,

按照惯例,她不会为任 何人停下脚步,

and she was actually quite cynical about all of this "help your neighbor"stuff

事实上她很有点儿玩世 不恭、不相信所谓的 "帮助邻居"之类的东西

But when she saw the cow on the road she decided to cure him of his confusion

但当她看到马路上的奶 牛时,她决定帮它消除 困惑,

and direct him back onto his field.


Her touch on the cow's side,however,


felt like a dart to the cow and he jumped away quickly.

奶牛就好像被飞镖刺中 一样迅速闪开.

His rear foot slipped on a datum mark

它的后腿在基准点上 打滑

and he tipped over into the damp grass.


An old piece of cutlery was lying on the ground where he fell

在它跌倒的地方,草地 上有一把旧刀叉

and he started to bleed.


The girl did the best she could to help the cow up,

女孩使出全部力量想把 奶牛扶起来,

but she fell to the ground herself as well.


What a mess! She thought to herself.


I will add the data about this experience

我会把这次经验的材料 加起来,

and remember to never help a cow walking on a road again.

记住再也不要帮助在路 上行走的奶牛.

Even the cynic,the girl stood up, abandoned the cow, and walked away.

就连这个愤世嫉俗的女 孩也站起身来,抛下奶 牛走了.

The cow,meanwhile, stood up by himself, noticed that he had stopped bleeding,

与此同时,奶牛自己站 了起来,它发现自己已 经不再流血,

and quietly went back to his field.

便静静地回到了自己的 田里.

He would remember to avoid strange black pavement in the future!

它将记住以后要避开奇 怪的黑色人行道!

  • fell动词fall的过去式 n. 兽皮 vt. 砍伐,击倒 a
  • curriculumn. 课程,全部课程 curricula(复数) cur
  • cynicaladj. 愤世嫉俗的,吹毛求疵的
  • cynicn. 愤世嫉俗者,犬儒主义者,好挖苦的人
  • curbn. 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘 vt. 抑制,束缚,牵(
  • cown. 母牛,母兽 vt. 恐吓
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • cutleryn. 刀具,刀具业
  • dazzledadj. 目眩的;眼花撩乱的 v. (使)眼花(dazz
  • dampadj. 潮湿的,有湿气的,沮丧的 n. 潮湿,湿气 v