胡敏读故事记单词雅思词汇第39课:Save the delta 救救三角洲
日期:2016-07-15 15:35



delay-depature Save the delta


"We are witnessing the demise of a unique demographic,

"我们正在目睹一种独 特人口的、

the delta-dwelling aborigines.

居住在三角洲的土著人 的毁灭."

said the famous scientist Dr.Walker.


"They have never had a high population density,

"他们从来没有过很高 的人口密度,

but they have always needed a particular land form

但总是需要一种特殊的 土地

to be able to make the delectable food that outsiders have come to love.

种植一种外地人已经很 爱吃的美味作物.

The process for making this food is very deliberate and quite demanding.

种植这种作物的过程要 不慌不忙,它的要求是 很高的,

It includes delayering the soil several layers to a certain depth,

其中包括去除好几层土 壤,直到某个合适的深 度,

the planting of a delicate seed,


and then a prolonged delay before harvest."

然后要拖延很长时间 才能收割."

"Several delegates who have recently visited the aborigines

"最近走访过土著人 的几位代表

were delighted to be able to study the process.

很高兴能够研究这一 过程.

They had a delightful time with the aborigines.

他们和土著人在一起度 过了一段愉快的时光.

But while they were there


they saw that yet another area of the delta was demolished.

他们看到又一片三角洲 惨遭破坏.

They tried to denounce this activity,


but the company clearing the land denoted them as

但开辟这块地的公司却 认为

radical environmentalists who don't care about real jobs!"

他们是不关心就业的 激进环保主义者!"

"Sir James,a noted professor of demographics,

"人口统计数据领域的 一位著名教授詹姆士爵 士

was even injured as he tried to deliver a serving of the aboriginal food

试图把一份土著人的食 物

to the company president as a peace offering.

作为和平礼物送给公司 总裁,

They denied his access and, in hastening his departure ,

这时候他甚至被打伤. 他们不让他见总裁, 在让他赶快离开的时候

caused him to fall and break a leg.


Thankfully this is a great opportunity to bring more attention to this situation."

值得欣慰的是,这次机 会倒是引起了更多的人 关注这件事情."

"In other news


we have discussed demerging some of the larger populations.

我们讨论了拆分一些较 大的人口.

They are simply too dense in some areas.

有些地区的人口真是太 稠密了.

This option has been denounced as well, however,

但是这种选择方案也 遭到了谴责,

because that would simply be our solution for a culture

因为这只是我们对于文 化问题的解决办法,

that we should not alter.

而这种文化我们根本 就不应该改变.

Our best option is to halt the destruction of this land type.

我们的最佳选择方案是 停止破坏这种土地类型

So our new slogan is 'Save the delta!'"

所以我们的新口号是 '救救三角洲!"'
