日期:2016-05-20 08:58


Article 21 Any unit or individual shall not damage or arbitrarily use, dismantle and stop using fire control facilities and devices, and shall not bury and occupy hydrant, occupy fire prevention space and block fire control passageway.

第二十一条 任何单位、个人不得损坏或者擅自挪用、拆除、停用消防设施、器材,不得埋压、圈占消火栓,不得占用消防间距,不得堵塞消防通道。

Public utility units or urban construction units, when building road and cutting off power, water supply and communication lines that may affect fire brigade in fire fighting and rescue work, must inform local public security fire control institutions in advance.


Article 22 During farm products harvest seasons and fire prevention period of forest and grassland, major holidays and frequent fire disaster seasons, local people's government at all levels shall organize and carry out fire control propaganda and education according to the specific situations, adopt fire prevention measures and conduct fire control safety inspection.

第二十二条 在农业收获季节、森森和草原防火期间、重大节假日期间以及火灾多发季节,地方各级人民政符应当组织开展有针对性的消防宣传教育,采取防火措施,进行消防安全检查。

Article 23 Villagers committee and neighborhood committee shall organize the masses to carry out fire control work, formulate fire prevention safety convention and conduct fire control safety inspection.

第二十三条 村民委员会、居民委员会应当开展群众性的消防工作,组织制定防火安全公约,进行消防安全检查。

The township people's governments and urban neighborhood offices shall give guidance and supervision.


Article 24 Public security fire control institutions shall monitor and conduct inspection on state organs, organizations, enterprises and institutions in terms of their observance of fire control laws and regulations.

第二十四条 公安消防机构应当对机关、团体、企业、事业单位遵守消防法律、法规的情况依法进行监督检查。

For key units for fire control safety, regular monitoring and inspection shall be conducted.


Working staff of public security fire control institutions, when conducting supervision and inspection, shall produce certificates.


Public security fire control institutions, when conducting fire control examination and approval and acceptance check, shall not collect fees.


Article 25 Public security fire control institutions, when finding out hidden fire danger, shall inform relevant units or individuals in time to take measures and order to remove the hidden danger within a time limit.

第二十五条 公安消防机构发现火灾隐患,应当及时通知有关单位或者个人采取措施,限时消除隐患。
