Test 6
Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item,you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.
Now listen to the news.
1. The clashes in Nigeria were between_____
A. Christians and Muslims
B. local people and Muslims
C. local people and Christians
D. local army and Muslims
2. Which of the following statements about Bukuru market is INCORRECT?
A. It is a large commercial area to the south.
B. It was under military control.
C. It was burnt to the ground.
D. There were still debris and smoldering fires, destroyed in the inferno?
3. How many shops and homes in the market were
A. At least 100.
B. 100.
C. At least 1000.
D. 1000.
1. A 2. B 3. C
(1) More than 100 bodies have been found in one village alone in central Nigeria, following clashes between Christians and Muslims.(冲突是发生在穆斯林和基督徒之间。)And aid workers recovered the corpses in a village 30 kilometers from the city of Jos. From .there, our correspondent Caroline Duffield reports. The town of Jos and the area to the south of it are under tight military control. The scare of violence in outlying villages and in the Bukuru area is becoming clearer.(2)Bukuru market, a large commercial area to the south, was burnt to the ground. Debris lit the streets and fires are still smoldering.(南部一个大型商业区Bukuru市场被烧毁,街道上到处是残骸和星星点点的火光。)(3)At least l000 shops and homes in the market were destroyed in the inferno.(市场上至少有1000家商铺和房屋被如毁。)