英语四级标准听力强化训练(MP3+文本) 第16期:对话(16)
日期:2014-12-12 11:09



In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.

Now,listen to the conversation.

1. According to the conversation, Paula meets with Jim to_____.

A. form a study group

B. get some tutoring

C. write a composition

D. offer English classes

2. Why does Paula want extra classes?

A. Because she is not good at English.

B. Because she is not doing very well on her essays.

C. Because she is attending a composition class.

D. Because she will have an English exam soon.

3. According to the conversation, they have decided to meet on_____.

A. Monday and Wednesday

B. Monday and Tuesday

C. Tuesday and Wednesday

D. Tuesday and Thursday



1.B 2. B 3.A


Conversation 1

M: Hi. Are you Paula?

W: Jim?

M: Hi. Nice to meet you.

W: Glad to meet you.

M:(1-1)So, you need some tutoring in English? (Paula 希望 Jim 辅导英语。)

W: Yeah.(2)I'm taking English composition, and I'm not doing very well on my essays.(Paula 因为在英语作文课上文章写得不好,所以需要加课辅导。)

M: Right. Um,well, first let's see if we can figure out a time to meet that we're both free. How about Mondays? Maybe in the morning? (3-1)I don't have any classes until eleven on Mondays.(每周一有一次辅导。)

W: That would work, but I was hoping we could, you know, meet more than once a week.

M: Oh. Well, Tuesdays are out. I've got classes and, uh, I work at the library part time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.(3—1)I could get together on Wednesdays.(每周三有一次辅导。)

W: In the morning?

M: Probably nine-thirty would be best,

W: So that would be two hours a week then?

M: I could do that.

W: Oh, but, would that be extra? You know, Would I need to pay you for the extra session?

M: No. Um.(1-2)you just meet me here at the Learning Center,(对话发生在学习中心。)and we both sign in, then I'll get paid. Tutoring is free, to you, I mean. The school pays me. But we both have to show up.

W: Oh, don't worry about that. I really need the help, I won't miss any sessions unless I'm stick on something.

M: Okay, then. I guess we'll meet here on Monday.

W: I'll be here.


essay n.短文,散文;论文

extra n.额外的事物

figure out 想出,理解

show up 出现;露面

sign in 签到
