Woman: Listen, I was talking to Anna and she thinks it's the sort of thing that we can get a good response to locally,
女:听着,我和安娜谈过,她认为我们可以在当地得到很好的反响 。
but I really don't agree, so I'm afraid I've overruled her on this.
但我真的不同意 。所以,我已经否决了她的这个想法 。
Also, if we use something local, it'll just appear in the classified section and we want a more upmarket, boxed ad., and we need to reach the whole country.
另外,如果我们进行本地宣传,它只会出现在分类广告栏中,我们想要一个更高档的灯箱式广告,需要遍布全国 。
I know the rates are much higher but we can choose the one we want to get the maximum response possible.
我知道这样做费用要高很多,但我们可以选择可能获得 。
Anyway, I think anyone with the right track record for a position like this would only be looking in the more up-market dailies.
最大反响的那种 。不管怎样,我觉得,想要这个职位,拥有良好业绩的人都会查看更高端的信息 。
If it was something we were trying to fill in one of the local branches, it would be a different matter,
如果我们试图填补一个地方分支机构的空缺,就是另一回事 。
but for head office we need to attract the best.
但对于总部来说,我们需要吸引最好的人 。
Man: As it really only affects people in that area, I think advertising nationally would be a waste of money.
男:我觉得如果它只影响当地人的话,在全国范围内做广告就是浪费钱 。
It would be much better to take some prime sites at various points along the motorway.
最好在高速公路沿线的不同地段,选择一些好的地点 。
We can have them put up about four weeks before the big move.
我们可以先放置四周左右,然后再采取大举措 。
It'll cost less and it's a way of appealing directly to our customers.
这样成本更低,而且是直接吸引客户的一种方式 。
The thing is, we don't want our regular customers heading off to the old store and then being informed halfway there that it'snot there any more.
问题是,我们不希望老客户前往原有的商店,然后在半路被告知店铺已经不在了 。
We could lose a lot of business! They need to know well in advance where they've got to go.
我们可能会损失很多生意!他们需要提前知道要去哪 。